Chancellor Puddinghead

That's the sort of tidbit that actually would not surprise me at all. 

She's hot and thinks video games are totally cool.  She's what the kids are into these days.  You want adorkable?  Olivia Munn is dorktabulous! 

She's hot and thinks video games are totally cool.  She's what the kids are into these days.  You want adorkable?  Olivia Munn is dorktabulous! 

You wouldn't understand.

You wouldn't understand.

I don't go around questioning your faith.

I don't go around questioning your faith.

I think masturbation is dandy, and we should be able to do it whenever we like without judgement or shaming.  Just my two quarters on the subject.

I think masturbation is dandy, and we should be able to do it whenever we like without judgement or shaming.  Just my two quarters on the subject.

In spite of its awful premise, I've been pleasantly surprised by this show.  Possibly because I had set the bar rather low already, but Justin Kirk was always the best part of Weeds, and he's a genuine talent.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if he went on to do some really great drama a la Bryan Cranston.  Either

In spite of its awful premise, I've been pleasantly surprised by this show.  Possibly because I had set the bar rather low already, but Justin Kirk was always the best part of Weeds, and he's a genuine talent.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if he went on to do some really great drama a la Bryan Cranston.  Either

Absolutely.  It really refreshing to see more television where people are just gay, and not have to be constantly reminded that there's nothing wrong with it.  

Absolutely.  It really refreshing to see more television where people are just gay, and not have to be constantly reminded that there's nothing wrong with it.  

That's a horrible thing to say!  I'm sure Kevin Love is a lovely man.

That's a horrible thing to say!  I'm sure Kevin Love is a lovely man.

And with that, Sean O'Neal has rendered any further comment on the AV Club concerning Fred Willard's masturbation habits irrelevant.

And with that, Sean O'Neal has rendered any further comment on the AV Club concerning Fred Willard's masturbation habits irrelevant.

Really?  Cause I'd still take the breadsticks.

Really?  Cause I'd still take the breadsticks.

Mike Lovian.  I think that has a better ring to it.