
There will be a twist in the finale where he's survived and is a major character next season. Because Dome.

She has a promising second career as a brainless political lackey.

Will it include deductive technique? Because Linda failed.

If this was really the 90s, it'd be Surge!!

Oh, Skater Bro! With your return, all my wishes have come true. By which I mean, nothing I ever wished for on this show has ever come true. But whatevs…

But not remaining lesbian, she cannot be worked into the story no matter what.

I thought she was hiding out and nobody much knew her at all, except maybe peripherally at the fight club?

@avclub-8cc69800dca2a01a6ce60340bf6a2331:disqus Not Moo-lissa!

Natalie Zea: "Is there any fork stabbings?"

Black Lesbian just had a spouse die, and she seems to be in permanent exile. It's a tough world under the dome.

Yeah, his fugitive status will be more along the lines of "on the jog or trot." Maybe he can escape to wherever that woody place was at the beginning where the other fugitive went. He can make friends with the pig that almost got Super-Detective Linda.

@avclub-8cc69800dca2a01a6ce60340bf6a2331:disqus Liked for the expression "Julia's non-Barbie friends."

Under the dome, or from the audience?

@avclub-4c9390660004b75aa80beca95a6053d9:disqus There's still time, two more episodes left and they are running out of controversies to depict. Cross your fingers it's a reveal that carries into season 2.

It sounds like some convenience-store chain.

I think I'm following it for Julia Shumway's hair at this point.

Said by Norrie.

The A.V. Club
Pretty sure it wasn't a problem in the book.

Black Flag, anyone?

Well, they un-optioned it back thankfully, though the current owners of the DT property do not seem any less inept. But yes, King's inner-fanboy for Lost is probably one of the root causes of this show being the Coors Light of Lost ripoffs. A silver bullet to the brain.