
The bacon Angie makes at the diner tastes like band-aids.

Stick a fork in @avclub-969d52a164f035b11df2601cd0ad25f5:disqus, she's done. :P

In other news, CBS and Time-Warner ended their short-lived feud, so now even more people will be still watching this.

I just want to know where Big Jim's two drug pushers are hiding out; you know, Beaver and….uh, that other guy.

I'd peg the exact moment at the death of that first cow.

Didn't she say last week that she bet against him though, and thus would've won a lot of money? Confused here; or maybe the writers are the confused ones?

As a corollary: Who is the Santa of Chester's Mill?

@avclub-13d7df3c17502af69aafccc758195f96:disqus Joe's looking to trade up for a smaller forehead and someone who isn't one of the Four Handz.

I'm not sure what I was expecting tonight…but this was not it. Please bring back the ridiculous patter of Skater Bro for the majority of the following episodes.

Even worse, who inherits her fortune in Morton's Salt?!

@avclub-b9fe31dea5e76193f5750c3bb3fc095d:disqus The Dome clearly has healing powers due to the glowing water tower at its center.

That IS a very good list, eh?


The Sexual Harassment Samburg Liberation Army! Run for cover!

Does the Monarch have to drink that crappy wine and take over Natalie Zealand for Mark Pellegrino and protect the Dome from a cloud?

More likey she'd exclaim, "I have a nose?!"

Max should've installed red curtains in her secret lair over on the island.

Now Hank is the one telling his enemies to tread lightly. Something tells me last night's Breaking Bad gave him a confidence boost on his other show.

@avclub-b9fe31dea5e76193f5750c3bb3fc095d:disqus Even though the army is looking for Barbie (he is The One after all) they did not think of this complex plan. Which they had been executing before the MOAB.

@avclub-3d17c321eff14d17ea68ae71aaf87768:disqus And if so, why doesn't it use said storm to just kill Big Jim itself. Very stupid dome. Or lazy.