
Ah, those New England gators will get ya everytime.

If someone asks you, "are you a Dome….you say YES!"

I'll even settle for Larry Underwood.

That was a better than average two-week coma.

The Braless Wonder?

I'm also officially on record here that my heart sank so low when Hank instantly turned so asshole-ish with that comment. Hank has learned nothing about humanity in all this time, despite his injury and his trials. Just when I was praying for that team-up to become anything of a moral uplift…

Hank and Gomie never fail to slip in some banter&humor in the darkest of times. Loved it as well!

@avclub-392f765bed2826a22a4e84f0523b375c:disqus Take him out for breakfast?

@avclub-1a4288bd1d6ebdfa6ac93ecb06b71842:disqus On top of that, everyone else's pushing this 'hard truth' out there is what triggered leading Walt to likely accept he now HAS to murder Jesse, in spite of his desire not to.

@avclub-dbdec92c1a47832b13fc9f11e75ca600:disqus Yep, everyone's breaking bad in their own special way.

@avclub-9cd818ea56273170b63f339aa6f34bca:disqus Hence the other 'doggie' title tying them together, yep.

My love of Marie only continues to deepen each episode. She is the bees knees!

Walt Whitman said, "I contain multitudes."

It IS one element………of tonight's episode.

Woodchuck Pete?

Holy Moly, one of Breaking Bad's best attributes is true, honest-to-goodness suspense and tonight's second half was loaded with it, only to end with a tease. All these elements are accelerating so fast, it feels like the legendary Ludicrous Speed!

@avclub-969d52a164f035b11df2601cd0ad25f5:disqus This is excellent research, are you sure you aren't moonlighting as a cartographer? I must agree with your…interpretation of the shape of the Island, though I wouldn't have noticed on my own. Are they trying to be symbolic by making Max and her Unfortunate Mother live on

It all begins benignly enough: we as sci-fi and/or serial tv drama lovers and A.V. Clubbites tuned in to see the new Stephen King show with mild reservations and skepticism but also healthy curiosity. When that quickly soured, we had two choices: a) turn away in disgust and wash our hands of the prior time invested,

Did I really miss that the other fighter's name was Ken?? Holy crap, I'm losing my edge.

You missed one: Under the Dome sucker-punched us all by stringing us along all these episodes and then having basically none of the dramatic reveals lead to any craziness.