
Linda: "Big Jim, you slept with the Watertower? How could you?"

Principals, however, could definitely keep you warm at night if they choose to. Like that incredible looker that runs Walter White's former school, yowza!

Was this fight club what he was referring to by the violence inherent in The System?

@avclub-589622fb3974db41fbe4a37b78d8585c:disqus Oh I know, just having a little fun myself. ;) I can think of a few books that have more intellectual content in the first ten pages than Under the Dome can muster over 13 episodes.

Maybe Dodee hurt the Dome's feelings because she "doesn't trust" those sneaky teens? They all talk about the Dome as if it's totally alive and has feelings.

The club will be disbanded between episodes, and now Max just has a shit-ton of salt.

These writers are all about ret-conning; it may not be intended now, but who is to say when they're looking down the barrel of the gun named season 2?

@avclub-c5f1ae9e1dd686b68d6742d282dffe55:disqus @avclub-969d52a164f035b11df2601cd0ad25f5:disqus I'm officially declaring that island as Natalie Zealand.

It was as close to legitimate drama as we have any right to expect. I think it more easily lends a sympathetic side to Max than their approach to a sympathetic side for Junior. Under dome standards.

You're actually re-watching, huh? You must have a very tough constitution @avclub-969d52a164f035b11df2601cd0ad25f5:disqus or a masochistic streak. Thanks for taking one for the team.

Does this mean I get multiple moms?? How exciting!

This would make a great PSA.

Where have you been this week @avclub-13d7df3c17502af69aafccc758195f96:disqus? We've missed you around these parts.

@avclub-1406e7afb3eb1f83b4bd4e310cee7fc6:disqus I did sorta zone out during the Mare Winningham speech scene, must've not made the connection. I am suddenly filled with overwhelming remorse for Natalie Zea…

She's surprisingly insistent that she never deals in prostitution, however. Gambling, illegal fights, extortion, but under no circumstances are hookers okay. Girl's gotta have standards.

Norrie's actually taking a page from Sexual Harassment Samburg's book and locking her in that room.

In that case, I demand those two singing mini-girls.

@avclub-92c9b96871c64bbb5fc1913d3aec11b5:disqus Rebel Alley?

Linda just needs a new boyfriend to alleviate her stress since her husband is essentially trapped outside forever, a la Barbie & Julia. Might I nominate Skater Bro? They'd be intellectual equals at least.

Oh, poor @avclub-c5c3227bc73a334c267859304a9b7b0c:disqus don't hurt your head. There is a discussion of this nature downthread.