
It will at least be more enjoyable than Under the Dome, perhaps? I'm not counting on more coherent at this stage. Still, cue the silliness…

She filed some paperwork.

This is true; she is Cara the gas-station girl who Hank makes cry in the BB Season 3 episode "Green Light." Seem she can't escape The Norris.

And reinforced by fireworks fuses.

Yes but did she get a gorilla in sand racing?

You were born with an imagination son, best put it to use.

The Hays Code would make more sense over at ABC Family. CBS is the network of Big Brother after all.

His new show doesn't really look much better than this one.

"That's okay; my burger tastes like cigarette smoke!"

Hey, our oceans are already polluted with enough garbage!

Big Jim: Well, Barbie is kinda a woman's name, isn't it?

Hugo Reyes: "Okay, that thing in the woods: maybe it's a monster, maybe, it's a pissed-off giraffe! I don't know! The fact that *no one* is even looking for us, yeah, that's weird, but I just go along with it, because I'm along for the ride! Good old fun-time Hurley! Well, *guess* what! Now, I want some friggin'…

You know, I suspect this hypothesis is totally spot-on, but where Hank is concerned I don't find it hilarious. Breaking Bad is about to get really Breaking Sad again.

I really think it's a case of six of one, half a dozen of another with Sideboob and Bounce being that annoying chick from Revolution.

Now that Real Samburg has promos on Fox for that new comedy-cops trainwreck of a show, I really can't see Fake Rapey Dome Samburg as anyone else. Junior is stuck on The Lonely Island.

Oh poor Linda is the butt of all the Dome jokes now!

Is that like "Magnets worked because Heisenburg said so?"

@Tops_Blooby:disqus I like yours better too.

Cuddling his skateboard under his left arm like a teddy bear?

Like we should've just shot this show?