
Man, now that we've had a Lady of the Lake episode, can we get some Arthurian symbolism going on here for Dean Norris? Perhaps a Grail Quest in season two?

After nearly two months of posturing and tooth-pulling, Under the Dome has finally figured out that addressing the reality of it's own premise on Network TV just isn't going to happen. There's no way it could do remote justice to the darkness in a way HBO or AMC could. So now, it finally understands what it is meant

Joe Carroll subsequently brainwashed it all outta her. Pity.

I look around, I look around. I see a lot of new faces on this show. Which means a lot of you've been breaking the first two rules of Dome Club. Man, I see in TV shows some of the strongest and smartest stories ever told. I see all this potential. And I see it squandered. Goddamn it, an entire network full of hack

Well over 120 million of which are equally pulpy, throwaway pieces of mindless airport-novel entertainment. Save your moral indignancy, I read plenty and still get a chuckle out of the ludicrous nature of this mish-mash show.

I love Sheriff Linda's idea of rough justice like I love an oatmeal cookie.

Look, this show just isn't for you anti-intellectual types, okay!

When I, along with many others here, called it that Julia wouldn't bat an eyelid at Barbie's Dark Secret I wasn't really expecting to be correct. Convention would dictate a season of Ross/Rachel-esque fighting and whining and general irritating-ness that goes hand in hand with Network TV moral dilemmas. I have to say,

I wanna go to Space Mexico! They must have Interstellar Spring Break. Or perhaps there's a Cartel of Space Drug Runners for Rapture who will send Alien Cousins to stalk Big Jim?

@avclub-b9fe31dea5e76193f5750c3bb3fc095d:disqus As far as Joe goes, it's totally in keeping with his deep characterization that he's completely forgotten his skater-bro BFF. After all, he spent 8 weeks essentially forgetting he had a punky older sister, and he still seems to have utterly forgotten to wonder about his

More like they stole the name from a comic book that used "Rapture" previously. Because writers are lazy and nerdy or something.

If the writers are skimming these comment sites for inspiration, they may just ret-con this idea from you. As you noted, they seem to like ret-conning. I'd sue for royalties if I were you.

John Travolta as….a giant dome!

Uh, everything except some names. In the book, the cow is totally not named Moo-lissa.

There is also a section written from the POV of the doggie. And it is plot-crucial.

@avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus Dear Lord, please tell me that this is some form of humorous exaggeration of filler material. That would make me gouge my eyes out. Or at least turn on my HBO Go and watch Sopranos episodes instead. One of those.

She's one of the Hands of the Monarch. Man, this show wants to be Game of Thrones too.

Well, there are two sides to that coin, Dean Norris.

Maybe we can hope for random entertaining sound effects at arbitrary times in the future? Random Wilhelm Screams?

I like my food seasoned!