
There's also currently the 'See What Else Dean Norris will do Two Nights In A Row' factor currently.

@onthewall2983 Perhaps, but at that size it'd be pretty dilute. I mean, that lake seems bigger than the whole area under the dome should be.

Not the Curse of the Wet T-Shirt! Nooooooooo!

@avclub-831b342d8a83408e5960e9b0c5f31f0c:disqus Well it should have gotten 'better' if this was the lake water that was supposedly contaminated with the ever-dreadful methane. After all, that would've all bubbled out pretty quick, and into the atmosphere. Which is what the writers should be more concerned about, even

She totally kicked it up another notch on the Camp-o-Meter tonight! If this is now their adopted tone, I can get behind it. Just please no more attempts to be taken seriously.

Ben Linus: Let me put it so you'll understand. Picture a box. You know something about boxes, don't you A.V. Club? What if I told you that, somewhere under this dome, there is a very large box and whatever you imagined, whatever you wanted to be in it when you opened that box, there it would be? You know, for next

They're fresh outta doctors as well, along the same lines. Whoever said these were thinkin' people?

It is in the forthcoming installment, A Time of Technology. They also introduce a new Stark family member, named Tony.

Somewhat like the Queen Alien, eh? I knew it seemed familiar…

I'm on my second rewatch, and I've never seen this put so clearly and excellently before. Spot on! I doff my proverbial cap to you sir.

Glad that wasn't lost on everyone.

Thief!! CBS!! We hates it! We hates it forever!!

That will teach me not to proofread AV comments. You're welcome for the humor at my expense.

Someone tell your NBC exec that Bryan Cranston is also about to be avaliable. In case they wanna go in a more bald & goatee direction for Glenda.

It's a hip alternative to fiddle-playing anyway.

If they really want the ratings coup for a "gritty" reboot here, the pilot will turn the tornado into a Sharknado!

Especially the part where Judy Garland turns to alcohol for life.

David Duchovney as a very different kind of wizard.

When you're in entertainment, you go where the audience is.

Odd as this will sound, I happen to be good friends with the Hula-hooping Queen of Yosemite National Park employees, and she's in her early twenties. Does that qualify as adult?