
Not sure I can relate to that sentiment…

So is THIS where whores go? Seems a possible bet to me…

Tywin Lannister: I WILL NOT allow you to turn The A.V. Club into your gay bar for hula-hooping!!

At this point @avclub-b9fe31dea5e76193f5750c3bb3fc095d:disqus it wouldn't be all that much more outrageous than everything else we've been forced to swallow. Don't be all like Barbie, doubting the existence of a mini-dome & egg combo. Cartoon owls happen…….for a reason! It's destiny!

@mem359:disqus God, I wish this show had James Mason.

See you at the pah-tee Jun-ya!

How can you even mention a horse turd like Lost in the same breath with this show, or even some of the others on your list? Lost is low-level, non-nuanced C grade pulp; Breaking Bad is emotionally affecting, and distills the better elements of all those shows you mention into a more coherent, streamlined, excellent

Please, in this furthest time in the future, the High Court of Television has rendered its verdict: Dick! Lots of reviews do this with actors best known for another role when they play a minor spot on some newer show. Nothin' to get yer space-panties in a twist over.

I guess they're the ones winning now, eh Charlie?

@avclub-997b7c4d372c13e83d7c80c236a3a80c:disqus At least she did have some great……….nuclear reactors.

@Tops_Blooby:disqus At the time it aired, it was much more compelling so yeah it got a pass. Now that I'm all to aware of where it is and is not going plot-wise, it's a different story. Much less re-watch value than say, Sopranos or Mad Men. The X-Files suffers from this same syndrome. Too oriented around the Next Big

@avclub-13d7df3c17502af69aafccc758195f96:disqus Yeah, it really is. I knew when I wrote that it was going to raise an eyebrow or two, but it was late and I was sleepy. On reflection, it is a rather revolting image.

Part of this is trying to cram too much into each episode; The Vulture review was complaining about this, and I totally agree. They want to cover so much ground in 42 minutes and have a huge amount of characters (haha, characters!) that no one segment gets more than seven minutes of screen time tops. Barbie now has to

Are you thinking specifically of Denise Richards? Because that's the image that immediately popped into my mind, her as the nuclear physicist.

This is a very good point. Only videogame logic would allow that a surface bomb could cause underground pressure to force the water back along pipes into other wells.

@avclub-1f5b519cde67ac0d0fcab419aa3048a4:disqus I expect this to become a fully-accepted legal precedent now. "Objection! Your honor, he's invoking the Trueblood Defense! That's worse than the Twinkie Defense."

I guess I'm accidentally conflating Esposito with the guy I know as Swashbucking Hero, totally my bad. Is this Miles? He is fine enough too, if under-utilized. It's mostly the annoying teen chick who made the headache-inducing impression on me. And The Cape, who was the subject of my initial complaint. And Elizabeth

@avclub-56dfc41867dc4d05e285222c24c4e7c2:disqus She was saving her one unwrinkled outfit for Barbie's benefit.

When y'all were comparing that egg to Lost's hatch, I was taking it far too literally; apparently it was that the egg was going to hatch and Natalie Zea was the chicken. How did I not see it coming?

On this week's Crisis of the Week episode: When all the plumbing in Chester's Mill simply ceases to function, the Domers have to deal with a toilet crisis of unprecedented proportions. Now Barbie and Big Jim will have to put aside their differences and venture…..Under the Loo. Also, Deputy Linda discovers yet another