
The whole low-quality/lack of concrete planning of the story combined with the persistent amazon ad campaign makes this entire exercise feel more like a plan to ship a bunch of product than to have a televised show. The Microsoft shit everywhere also reinforces this perception.

You've summed up my feelings on the whole enterprise perfectly here; and I must say that I was dumb enough to assume they were just going to execute the premise with an ensemble cast and no added nonsense…back in the days of the pilot episode at least. It's gotten further away from all of that each week, to the point

This is why I find Lost totally un-rewatchable; it may work fine for other people, but this factor makes me crazy when no one ever shares anything relevant with anyone, but just replies with messages from fortune cookies and motivational posters.

I really have to ask her: If controlling the actions of Big Jim and/or Barbie is really her massive endgame here, and she really knows all the juicy action since the dome showed up…then it seems like she took a rather large risk in allowing both her boy-toys to come dangerously close to harm and violence in last

That whole conversation where he offered them propane was really weird; it was written as if the previous offer and the theft of the supply/altercation and explosion has never even happened. Dean Norris just shows up and offers to play nice and set up a trade, just as he had in the previous episode. So I have to

Eh, the story is no less hapazard than Revolution, but man as bad as Under the Dome is I never come away with an actual headache. That damn teen chick from Revolution is the most painful, whiny irritant on network television and I can't think of something I'd rather watch less, barring reality tv.

Genre fun would be if the dome was like some ancient tiki god and actually talked at them all with a deep, rumbling voice. Bring me a shrubbery!! Muahaha!

@avclub-7454b3f90a814b1393f008807ff0076b:disqus This bothered the hell out of me too, when Junior pumped the shotgun a second time I yelled at the tv. And @avclub-73d66a6a344a15201f9a15107723c9e6:disqus that scene of Julia and Joe walking through the skinny trees after the mini-dome reminded me completely of those

@avclub-b9fe31dea5e76193f5750c3bb3fc095d:disqus Personally, I'm holding out for Rodan. But perhaps we're going about this wrong, and the giant space cocoon is just Don Ameche.

By this logic, they should just blow up the whole field of crops. It might fill all the grocery stores up with product again.

You can have my land….when you pry it outta my cold, dead fing…oh hell.

Honestly, he might've dodged a bullet though; would you want to drag Forehead around with you everywhere if you DID sleep with her and she got all clingy? It's not like he can escape very far while the dome is around.

See, I really found the snow-globe smashing painfully contrived. 'We're angry about our life circumstances and we're not gonna take it anymore! Let's smash some shit and feel better, and then eat ALL the strawberry ice cream.' If that's the best new character development they have for Angie, put her back in the bomb

The Lion Monarch must be crowned? With Pig Jim Rennie as Pumbaa?

Why can't it be both? Real estate is precious under the dome.

More realistically would be: Was that even the writers' plan all along? Or something they made up to cover their asses at the end of an episode when they painted themselves into a corner?

I didn't see it coming either. I was in the kitchen fixing a snack.

It would be more in keeping with Junior from the book, but yeah really yucky.

Barbie is the one who knocks….up a ginger reporter.

You can really tell that Under the Dome jumped Over the Shark this week; many of our regular schlock-watching commenter friends are either rather silent or altogether absent. All part of the CBS plan to divide and conquer audience interest.