
@avclub-76218e5302bb5271412880b8e32ac3d7:disqus  was saying above that Max is basically an empty threat to Barbie because he could just kill her and it wouldn't even have an effect on the other charaters or narrative at large, and I tend to agree. I mean, at least Nikki and Paolo were supposedly on the beach in plain

The entire way they've dealt with her and Junior's relationship since he first imprisoned her in the beginning is really appalling, and I'm surprised more female viewers aren't really repulsed by it. And I agree that she is rapidly morphing from Scream Damsel into a creepy weirdo. But alas, I suspect it is just one

As Pete Townsend famously said: "The kids have always been this dumb, sadly." Or something like that…

Wasn't exactly a choice subject either.

Maybe he can just do that whole sending his regards thing. It seems to stir Roose Bolton to action.

This feels like Lost Season 6 territory to me. Only even more patronizing.

Which would probably be more well-received if they hadn't set out from day one to make him an unsympathetic creeper who everyone wanted to see bite it. Now we're just supposed to do a 180 and start caring about his fate because pink star painting?

This show's dialogue could use some contrived zingers at this point.

Haha from Hank Schrader to Dennis Kucinich in one year.

Oh I don't know anymore. The Following inspired me to actually sit up and get violent towards my tv box, this show only inspires apathy and self-loathing.

I would rather Dean Norris be on every show now.

Joe's dog holds all the real cards.

I am semi-involved with geology, enough to agree with your observation. I'd speculate further and say that the dome/sphere thing would most likely extend deep enough to contact and potentially mess up/rupture some pockets of deep groundwater (potential flooding later on) and perhaps even disrupt the soil densities it

I have this issue with a huge number of shows, not to mention movies, where people just never say what everyone would obviously say when possessing critical information and being nervous and agitated, and withhold commenting until that script-ready moment when they're cued to. But this show really cranks that factor

Somewhat like Barbie and Ginger, or Angie and Junior, or Skater Bro and everyone? The only one outside of Dean Norris who had good chemistry was that poor cow Moo-lissa.

Maybe we can get Martin Mull to guest star? Gene Parmesan, how ya doin?

That appliance deliveryman was still hustling a few weeks ago, maybe somehow Sysco is still delivering frozen sausage links and thin paper napkins?

See, I had been in this camp in the early and mid weeks, but the past two episodes lured me into a calm of assuming they were at least semi-attempting to course correct. And then they dropped this amaze-bomb on me tonight and now I'm all bonkers again. If we're going down Ridiculous Road, that's fine and well, but my

@avclub-12f59e05c632bd17f2409172507d6407:disqus So it's…..Goodiculous?! Don't hit me!

Now that I would really watch! I mean, based on their previous behavior, what is Chester's Mill if not some bizarre new age cult? Plus, to see him interact with Dean Norris would be fun times.