
It's a motif, Barbie!

Les Moonves: Poe, King, eh they're all the same. How can we shoehorn that whazizface, Matheson, into this too?

I want a Cadsbury Bunny!

And @avclub-13d7df3c17502af69aafccc758195f96:disqus wins First Place down at the UnderDome Grand Internet Contest of the Week!

The thing that made Lost's character connections not trite and awkward was that they started out so darn slow. For weeks there were only the vaguest hints, such as Sawyer in the Australian police department, and where he met Jack's dad at the bar. Lost really took advantage of the slow burn, and to be fair it had

Pretty soon we're going to be reduced to, "This dome is like a garbage disposal, but with a radioactive core, if it existed in paleolithic times!" Yuk on their similes.

Natalie Zea's whole thing, performance and scripting, was really hokey. I liked Ollie more as a major antagonist. They kill off the "bad guy" every other week here though.

Can he please push Junior out the window now? I'll settle for Skater Bro too, but that's more like a jail-cell strangulation by manacles situation. I'm also open to an animal pit showdown with Big Jim. Dean Norris is a bear!

Dear viewers: Oh now you tell us! You don't like him bad, you don't like him good, what do you want? Complex characterizations? This is CBS! Love,

These writers really have a problem with trying to ret-con character histories to draw two people's paths together than never feel as though they were conceived this way initially. This week its the Big Jim/Barbie thing, but it's only the most recent in a string of contrivances. They also simply cannot make up their

Exposition on this show is akin to teeth-pulling. I'm tempted to make a top-ten list of the worst instances, but it is just everywhere. That is one huge weakness this show has in comparison to Lost.

Are they sure it isn't Fore…head? I know Norrie's already there, but maybe she needs to press her dome onto the dome?

Hi there! I just had a lobotomy via television show! Nice to meet you all! Pink stars and shit! …….I don't feel okay…….

After that sister-slapfest though, I'm not sure Marie will let him. She seems even more emotionally aggrieved.

We, as the audience, know all this regarding Walt's emotional abuse of Jesse and his general ruthlessness, but Jesse himself is SO out of sorts currently, will Hank be able to make him see it all clearly? This is the stakes at this point, but my guess is yes based on the next episode title alone. The flashforward

Flynn hates being kept in the dark too, that has been made crystal clear over and over again. If he finds out…the universe may explode.

Or maybe he learned something from his approach to Skyler that will benefit him with someone who matters a whole lot more honestly.

Quite likely. And then Walt may need to save them from worse things than himself shortly thereafter.

Last episode should guest star Steve Buscemi as an ABQ down-and-out who somehow winds up out there with a shovel, and makes a minor discovery. Maybe he's a geocasher?

No matter what she does/writes on here, she seems to piss some of the more entitled/ungrateful AV Clubbers off. I'm down to see her fuck with 'em.