
I agree, her major motivation has always been, according to her own words, to spare Flynn the knowledge of what his father was participating in. For this reason, amongst some less savory, more selfish ones, she passed up many season 3 opportunities to turn in Walt when the stakes were lower, and safer. Skyler seems

Good one. I'm glad she hasn't lost an eye yet though. Yet…

I know Gilligan feels that way and the Gray Matter business is even less consequential at this stage, but goshdurnit I am still rather curious. I had thought they'd answer the mystery many moons ago, now it appears to be one of these 'unexplained enigmas.'

That neurotic, fidgety woman in heels is amazing! Every time I think this show is tapped out for great new supporting characters, they come up with more solid gold. I truly hope you are correct, I want to see much more of her in the weeks to come.

My assumption as well. Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed it.

Wow, that's a tad rich, blaming Hank for all the crimes of others. Not as though anyone else is responsible for their actions all this time, eh?

Plus they were both baldies. Dramatic parallel here? Anyone?

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus See, but that's just how he acts. It's his public persona Hank that he puts on like clothes because of who he really is inside and how he can't always face up to his own weaknesses and inarticulate nature. I find that rather honest.

Interesting, I feel the exact opposite. I find Hank to be a great little deconstruction of what first appeared to be such a stereotypical character, and I feel for the awful family issues he always seems stuck between and helpless to prevent……but I don't want him to necessarily succeed in his case because it is such a

Hey, no love for Flynn? I am sure he will be integral in the next episode or two here, especially if Hank tries to use him against his own parents.

Game of Thrones IS very great, but ultimately it is an adaptation of an even greater series of source novels and so I have to give the edge to Breaking Bad. It is a totally original story being executed before us here. It is something special.

It's dawning on him that his obsessive desire to catch Heisenberg is going to obliterate his entire world before his eyes! Delicious…

Walt has always underestimated Jesse in every possible way, that has also been a constant of their relationship. I'm sure his shittiness as a father figure will weigh heavily for Jessee against Hank's prior ass-kicking, and a general sense of loyalty.

Hank did beat the shit out of him that one time. Are bygones really bygones at this stage? Is Jesse's better judgement a bygone?

Hey @avclub-13d7df3c17502af69aafccc758195f96:disqus that was extremely thorough, as well as fascinating. As I understood the first part, I quickly came to realize the same error you are pointing out, otherwise wikipedia contradicts the original source. It seems like if the MOAB was thermobaric then it would be like

There's only one rule Under the Dome: Leave all that logic and reason at the door. Because it will only serve to hurt your head.

Really? I mean, it's not in any way good I totally agree, but it annoys me far, far less than say Season 3-4 of Heroes, among other things, or any reality-based programming, or Dawson's Creek, or….

What's the rumpus?

Hell yeah it was, that's the expression of someone who wants to catch Heisenberg!

They've been referring to the dome as 'alive' and asking 'what it wants' etc. for several episodes now. I've suspected something similar for a bit myself; the dome is sentient and just wants to be understood, man!