
Well, so far we know it's stockpiled becuz drugz. That's all they've given.

Oh God, how I wish I had!! I'm just grateful they didn't make him into her new makeout interest just to spite Junior.

The top part? No wait, the pancreas!

Zombie Jesus from Egg in Season Two or GTFO!

This is the beginning of the doming down of America.

She's not the sheriff they need, but certainly the one they deserve. Why could they just not have killed off Jeff Fahey, this show would be sooo much better with him.

They realized they weren't working fast enough to eliminate people and make room for new Season Two character slots, since they got renewed. So now "no one's safe…….Under the Dome….."

I totally remember that scene, and used to think it would come up again, but their reunion was somewhat downplayed as opposed to dramatic. All the sad points were used up on Alice 1.0 leaving us.

Angie, Junior, and Female Hurley Character went to a two week Mime Bootcamp, can't you tell from these amazing results?

You people and your 'mathematical accuracy.' On this show, clearly people just KNOW things. Duh.

Thanks for making my night with this!

This family clearly doesn't set a high priority on together-time. Even when they reunite, it's mostly blah. No "where the f**k have you been?!" or whatever. Might as well not have them even be related.

Hey, she was the fairy in Ferngully: The Last Rainforest as well!

Dome Baby & Baby Dome: Two of a kind?

@avclub-ef331994b3a2a109cb06ef07f4e51ec3:disqus At all times, even now? Then my grandma is watching from beyond the grave. And boy is she pissed about this show's shoddy acting and boorish exposition.

@avclub-13d7df3c17502af69aafccc758195f96:disqus I think you have the kind of mind it takes to be a Sheriff in Chester's Mill.

The whole show is a promo for his new thing with Buffy?

The whole thing was a holodeck exercise, Partick Stewart and Brent Spiner walk in and say "good job kids."

Just the Tobias plotline alone would increase my interest a thousand fold. This show could really use ANUSTART.

There is neither a cream-filled center nor a Scottish dude. It is a serious downgrade from past mysterious shows.