
The Farmer Confederacy of Two basically wrote their own obituary by taking the propane hostage to monopolize resources without making any plans to have anyone else protecting this hulking henchman out in the middle of nowhere. I mean, if they're all under a dome, how long until the masses storm your little area and

Even in death, Moo-lissa can't catch a break…

I just think they didn't even need to go that far. For quite some time, I've been thinking along the lines of, gee this thing is basically a circumference as an outer perimeter, wouldn't people wonder if it was being projected from the center, like a tent with one pole? It stands to reason that checking the diameter

Homer Simpson, you stand accused of eating half the population of the Planet of the Doughnuts. How do you plead?

I take it more along the lines of: Science-y words we can say to not alienate our CBS-level educated audience but still sound clever and science-y. If they took the science to even Breaking Bad chemistry levels here, they'd break their viewers' brains. This is a phenomenon that frequently annoys me in fiction.

That's how he lures you all into his World of Cray!! Stay away from the Samburg.

No diabetics, no doctors, this place is starting to sound kinda lame…

@avclub-13d7df3c17502af69aafccc758195f96:disqus Would the impact area still have been riddled with burning detritus that could've started local fires that spread around the edges of the dome? I'm not saying this could've caused massive devastation surrounding the whole circumference before being extinguished, but it

They could really use you inside that dome you know. Or anyone with even a modicum of your knowledge and rational thinking…

Yes indeedy, we have a totally new minor character in Preggers, and I'm proud to see the community here wasted no time in christening her with the correct nickname, based on how we've done so far with Rapey Samburg, Ginger Reporter, and so forth. One wonders if Preggers will ever appear again, but I bet on yes.

What about Jesse Pinkman, yo? We got propane and meth here, bitches!

See, here's the thing: She was totally coming onto him earlier when she was teasing him about watching him put on pants in the morning. If he is so desperate to get laid with her, why didn't he just roll with it back then? I mean, damn, that was your moment nerd kid! Oh well…

@avclub-a4a39c4db5fb41fa79f1619da9a1be57:disqus Wow, I'm a bit late to this episode, but it appears you have lured out the One True Viewer who takes the drama under the dome……very, very seriously. I saw your comment as humor from a mile away. Perhaps this schlock-watch thread isn't the place for them? RIP White

Just one of the perks of training long and hard for that law enforcement badge.

In conjunction, shouldn't those neighbors, whom we assume would be on a semi-close basis, be in any way addressed by the story? "Oh my god, I can't believe Mrs. Johnson's home is just on the other side of this darn dome! I wonder what's going on with her?" If the dome really bisects neighborhoods than it should be

That's a low blow, Loblaw!

The more AV Club writes these amazing articles and does great interviews, the more Sunday cannot come soon enough. Even though it hastens the end, which will also come so soon…

Due to the ever-so-brief mention of Ned Stark above. Seems odd though.

Which could be ultimately read as leading to Hannibal, so…

@avclub-969d52a164f035b11df2601cd0ad25f5:disqus Thank yoo! Oh man, that sounds so bad/awesome! Of course they're dumb enough to burn all their collective food for what amounts to a prank, has to be that way. Maybe they're former residents from Chester's Mill? Gosh, now I have to actually watch this, it sounds possibly