
His cow was the one that got sliced in two, and he just found out!

I can't wait until Dodee is confirmed to also speak Russian and Vietnamese, and can fly a plane. She's probably good at chess as well. Can she wear a super cape?

Yeah, the part where I lost my suspension of disbelief was everything that's happened in the show.

Dude was a card-carrying rapist. Those are the worst.

CBS, are you listening? This ain't a bad idea.

But don't you have TWO moms? I mean, even if she croaks won't you, like, still have one?

One is the loneliest number.

Oh man, what are we missing? Summary in five sentences, is it possible?

Dog was with Beanie Kid two episodes back when Norrie ran away from her moms and she and Joe met up with him. He was holding the dog's leash when he said that all three people who don't hate him are already under the dome.

What if the bi-secting just made that cow release one massive-sized fart's worth of methane all at once though? Mythbusters time!!

I'd like to see her ass explain this Dome thingy.

I desperately want one of the Chester's Mill cows to be named Les Moos now. It can even hook up with Moo-lie Chen.

Hell, I ain't embarrassed to use the word; I'm talkin' about ethics.

@avclub-7576182d0a84b1ba2207f8f061d48bc9:disqus Aww, "we don't need no stinking badgers" is my Breaking Bad joke, yo.

What do you want them to do, hoard all the things? They have to spread stuff like council members and farmers around evenly. One for everyone!

Any man named Barbie needs to have rage issues, imo.

Well, old dude said they're outta bacon a few weeks ago. Probably down to just sweet-n-lows.

This concept would work better for a season of Modern Family and Sofía Vergara; though admittedly I will tune in for your Angie Show.

Deliveryman: "Hallo, werden Sie für diese faschistische Kühlschrank unterschreiben?"

Please, some of us are old enough to remember those "altavistas."