
@avclub-7576182d0a84b1ba2207f8f061d48bc9:disqus We'll see who brings in more honey!

Future plot twist: Angie is an Android.

I am sure this renewal makes the Bunheads fans want to riot more angrily than the Dome residents did this week.

CBS heard that we found many of the characters' behaviors confusing.

SPOILER: It was the shifty-eyed dog all along!!

Defensive about Lost much?

Means about as much as Ford Motor's Eco-Boost feature. :P

If only it stood half a chance of being as entertaining as an actual "Mork and Buffy" show would be. It will more likely be "Good Morning Vietnam, I Know What You Did Last Summer."

They've also never apparently spoken to a reporter, an ex-army, a radio DJ, a small-town councilman, a lesbian couple, or a cop. Who needs authenticity when you got Dome?

Season 2 casting stunt: Melissa Joan Hart shows up under the dome, with a vengeance.

In those underground tunnels, we heard her and Phil express their mutual semi-hatred. Perhaps they will mercifully take each other out? Or will it be Joe who is disposed of, since he is apparently also some form of radio…

No one calls him Big Jim anymore at all, huh? It's just Hank all the way. I am glad we, as a group, have our priorities straight.

@rain And to think we've lost both Russ Meyer and Roger Ebert at this point. Damn…

@avclub-b9fe31dea5e76193f5750c3bb3fc095d:disqus This show would be so much better if you were in the writers' room.

@flagonthemoon:disqus is correct, at least for my personal approach: I didn't so much think that Nikki and Paolo were that poorly acted or written or badly included, and I'll admit the showrunners tried hard to make them fit in as best as possible. I even admit to disliking many other people more, such as the

If you have any positive fuzzies about the novel, you want to stay away from this very poorly written and totally bizarre show; if you have a sense of humor and are looking for low-grade silly entertainment then Under the Dome is not the worst thing ever on TV. As has been noted, it's very schlocky and characters have

Well the show needs a new love triangle, so why not an undead one? Peter would be so conflicted about whether he loves his wife or wants to eat her brains.

I never thought there could be someone in the TV Universe who was a worse parallel parker than Meadow Soprano, but once again proven wrong.

@avclub-8585e3ef66f8d1bc4b1856e529ecdd2c:disqus Glad I'm not the only one who appreciates it for what it is, my understanding is that it predates more accurate knowledge of Mars' total lack of breathable atmosphere by a mere few years; at that point many people believed it was just a low-oxygen environment where

I would really hate Norrie with a passion, but her attitude and behavior looks comparatively reasonable next to the dreadful Angie. I can't believe I'm actually asking what Rapey Samberg saw in that chick.