
If we're gonna talk science here, let's get on the consequences of all that methane bubbling out into their very limited inner atmosphere.

I would probably watch The Incredible Shrinking Dome. If it had Dean Norris.

Ridiculous! Apply yourself.

And thus merge into a new version of The Stand?

Not to worry,
It's Bad TV!


Pretty sure skater-bro is sterile anyway.

By this logic, they could just as well start sewing two cow halves back together after each occurrence, with the help of Dr. Franken-heifer.

Ten bucks says this is the season 2 premiere Les Moonves has planned. Julie Chen can even sneak in real quick, and get her wacky Big Bro antics up in there.

What about Miller's Crossing?

@avclub-15b51f4a4918ea5b9323d8ab615328d7:disqus You missed last week's similar discussion of this fact and said potential-drinking game. However, if I recall, Dome was at 25 mentions last week, so it's down-trending.

@avclub-b9fe31dea5e76193f5750c3bb3fc095d:disqus He needs it to power his machine; some ghost of a neighbor's relative told them they need to move the island, er dome. Next season, dome-jumping through history, with guest star Ed Harris as George Washington.

So, to follow on something @avclub-969d52a164f035b11df2601cd0ad25f5:disqus said last week, if Dodee is the go-to person for all things 'science' and 'learning' at this point, when can we expect her to be exploded by a stick of dynamite? Because without her, these Nobel candidates be even more fucked.

His military training really taught him to plan ahead, for say the next 16 hours at least.

@jwood:disqus Here comes your 19th nervous breakdown!

Anyone here ever seen the early 60s Criterion Collection gem 'Robinson Crusoe on Mars' before? It is amazing and hilarious, but one of the conceits (this gives you an idea how young the space program and its knowledge of Mars was) is that not only can Crusoe burn some lumpy rocks to generate new oxygen, but

Well, it would rain there if only we gave them a dome, with it's own 'eco-climate.' Otherwise, it never rains in those places.

As much as I disliked those two altogether, I was rather fond of the fake Alias show with Billy Dee Williams. I feel they lost out when they didn't follow through on their plans to make a whole episode centered on that program.

Uh, A special creeper. His death was very poetic justice-y though.