
Hoarders: Under the Dome Edition!

Yeah, I'm with Rain on this one; as much as the show is apathy-inducing and wince-worthy, I get more out of these comments sections than is healthy, so I'm in for a bit longer.

Congratulations! You just defined a CBS-style drama. Nothing more to see here, please lower your expectations accordingly. ;)

Well they have this window you have to be home during, say Wed.-Sat. 8 AM to 4 PM…

I've wondered this for weeks too, the radio station always seems to be on some weird beach bluff cliffs; but, I figure since this is King, it just means that the Beams of the Tower are quite worn down and so all geography and directions are getting super wonky.

His death was more entertaining than anyone's on this show…yet.

I didn't; I passed out accidentally about 20 minutes before the show, and now have to use the dreaded On-Demand to catch up. So I'm gonna withhold yahoo judgement until such time as the evidence is presented to me. After all, we know Angie is basically insane.

@avclub-0beb34df7e9615cd43b9090989ca4848:disqus As long as he doesn't want us to move the city of Albuquerque with some underground frozen wheel, I'll be fine with anything.

@sharculese:disqus You're really right, a better term would be apathy-watching. The AV Club sarcasm that unfolds on episode summaries afterwards is the sad glue holding me to the show still, though I doubt even that would last if I had anything better to do on a late Monday night.

The Albuquerque Tourist Bureau should just start using this video to increase visitation.

Autobiographical eh?

Jesse's long lost parents welcome him into their home with open arms, and Badger is a high-IQ political consultant.

There will be a future medical ward for ulcer/cancer/hair loss/etc. patients all due to Breaking Bad stress. It gets under your skin.

Has anyone considered the unlikely but nevertheless existent possibility that Walt could die before the final episode? That would subvert expectations.

Then you're gonna love the show itself; they say dome on an average of 25 times an episode.

If wishes were horses…or even bisected cows.

I guess this kills the last vestiges of hope for my Parallelogram thriller miniseries, huh?

I simply can't condome this use of bad puns.

Is he winning? Or the dome?

The Universe has to balance out the rather uncanny renewal of Hannibal somehow.