
Microsoft still has three warehouses of unsold tablet product to hock somewhere.

What are the odds that Season Two is the exact same story & timeline, but with a new cast that was outside the dome as the events took place?

I knew there was a reason I preferred Mary Ann. Guess I'm not into huge foreheads.

I'd rather see a Dome/Following mashup so I could get all my hate in one serving. Classic Dome!

@olivececile:disqus Okay, this I would watch.

You're not a registered Domeocrat apparantly?

I wonder how Nathaniel and Superfly feel about that.

At least they didn't steal your lucky glow-in-the-dark, autographed snorkel!

Holy shit! When you really need your blah morning to get off to a much better start, and then in your notifications…there is this! I actually hadn't heard the Weird Al song in many years, but in retrospect this pairing was a match made in heaven. The Tuco confrontation is priceless… NO, we're outta Bavarian

A better use of his time would be training to conquer box offices, but those days are long gone.

If Walt could only do a swap between the Two Dean Norrises… I still can't get past the absurd (and likely unintentional) irony that outside the dome Dean chases down Meth-makers, yet under the dome he himself is one.

She was great in that Manchurian Candidate role, but those glory days are long gone, replaced and eroded by the infinite weight of Murder She Wrote cheese and other such mediocrity. Only Quentin Tarantino seems to get stellar performances out of has-been actors with illustrious pasts.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus Taking the man we all know and love as Gus Fring and sticking him in that shitfest of a show as a follow up is a very specific and disturbing kind of evil. Almost as bad as if you took Hank Schrader and stuck him under a dome… Oh, damn…

Tell him about the twinkie.

Oh the pain of your hard truth burns so badly! Say it aint so…

Certainly no less ridiculous than the plot of Revolution.

Perhaps the Hannibal question isn't even so much "will NBC give the show several seasons before cancellation" but rather "will NBC exist long enough to give Hannibal several more seasons regardless." Your thoughts?

@avclub-943bed14192fee046510105155dd9073:disqus Go sit in the corner and think about what you've said.

This show ate itself to death. Even The Following is more fun to (hate)watch. Even thinking much about Revolution just gives me a massive headache.

Nothing better than Tommyknockers that either a) hasn't already been done once and/or b) could ever be done justice on network TV. CBS is in the process of proving me right, Mondays at 10.