
This is my design.

Newsradio did the LZ thing first.

I agree, Lansbury could never do that cold as ice thing that Gillian rocks.

I use this kind of explanation with some people as well, how I am more intrigued by the execution of a narrative plan than the 'secrets' or whatnot that the story is keeping. There are really only so many kinds of stories to tell, but how a storyteller goes about dealing with mechanics, to borrow your word, is the

This is the sound made by lasers!

A few months back Fuller laid out the seven season progression, and expressed that Season Two would be the fall of Hannibal inasmuch as Crawford and the others would learn what Will already knows, but Season Three would be a Hannibal-as-fugitive arc so that he wouldn't be caught and incarcerated until somewhere along

@avclub-a5c26c106e8cd6df2d4d4d48eb7a8a08:disqus Since you've read part IV, we can surmise that even the dead can haunt a person's memory palace…

I just love how many of us are all collectively going "The wait for season 2 is killing me!!" It will never come soon enough.

Maybe she can haunt his memory palace?

M-O-O-N. That spells dead Abigail.

I can't imagine it ends well for all parties involved. Relationships can be brutal.

This is totally what he means when he keeps saying "purple." I really hope this gets passed along to him somehow. Awesome image!

Are they free willies?

Gosh, I thought he'd hear me out.

Maybe some tips on selecting skin lotion as well?

Fair enough, but most likely this would happen next year in the second season so seventy-four at most, seventy-five if he's in season three. It could hopefully happen. Scary that the guy I love from Terminator, Aliens, and Millennium is gettin' up there.

Kick it up a notch…on the human spine?

I too would love to see more about Henricksen, if the show can manage it organically in the narrative. One amazing TV serial trick I love is where a character who is awesome but got shortchanged for screen-time in their initial minor arc can somehow be worked back into another story in a relevant way that not only is

Bam! This is an amazing observation, my friend.

Bryan Fuller this is your cue, tip off the audience to Abigail's current status.