
Is it weird that I was partially concerned how much damage the brawl would do to his amazing, meticulous office?

Yeah, I totally felt that way too; you put it much more humorously than I could though. In fact Fuller said here and elsewhere that stand-in dance was done with Tobias and Frankyn as well. I assume if NBC can't negotiate the rights in a potential far-distant future for their Silence arc, they will do this magic act

He had me at "Use the ladies room!!!"

@avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7:disqus Since it's Lifetime being eaten, do they get coated in the most saccharine syrup on the market?

Part of me wonders if the ear is yet another David Lynch inspired detail Fuller decided to riff on: In 'Blue Velvet' all Kyle McLachlan has is an ear in the early stages, and investigating it plunges everyone around him into an Underworld of Evil.

It's great how forthcoming Fuller is about dead-ends and failed ideas as well as successful ones, like this so-called Saw-killer who was going to feed a victim to the dogs, and how they backed off it altogether when it didn't really have any characterization behind it. These articles are great for getting a sense of

I'm getting quite an earful from all you guys on this theory.

At this point, their plan is for season 4 to be the 'Red Dragon' season. If they make it that far (fingers crossed) I am sure there will be a massive letter writing/blogging campaign by the fanbase directed at the Lifetime channel, which holds the rights to Clarice Starling and Buffalo Bill and wants to create their

Not to mention that killer hair! Yowza.

Oh my…Does everyone include Freddie Lounds with more agency? Spooky!

Well sure, but that's just the magical thing: that process of making it up on the spot because it's cool IS telling the story, or rather the process by which they are telling their awesome story. And what I like about your clarification is that, by allowing room for Mads' suggestion of "what he wanted to do" (which I

It is another great example of the show doing exactly what the story called for at that particular moment rather than what is expected or formulaic. Part of the fun of Hannibal's storytelling is that it is so genuine and self-assured that each chapter unfolds on its own terms. This way they can do whatever is felt to

Definitely a classy thing to do, and tells me she has her creative priorities straight.

Hey Pisanos, it's the Super Hannibal Brothers Super Show!

It's also depressing when you think about the budgets so many other network shows most likely do have. I mean how much is Dean Norris costing Under the Dome. (Not that I'm complaining about another opportunity to watch Dean Norris, but still.)

I agree; it's critical to understanding his complex outlook on life for him to be personally aware of his own mortality on top of everything else. It just adds another layer to his toying with and/or stealing away other peoples' mortality.

Agreed, the "perfectly accurate" story would be perfectly dull. People like that are basically setting themselves up (almost willfully) not to enjoy the story.

With shows like those, you would just be pointing out every element of the story one at a time. Why catalog a thousand errors.

I admit to being curious if anyone watching had done this math on the travel time. Interesante…

I know everyone has already been gushing left and right about this, but I must say this 4 part feature feels like an early Christmas gift from A.V. Club. Especially when Hannibal itself already was an unexpected present this year. So Thank You! If any network show is actually worthy of some analysis, I think this is