
No misreading, you've perfectly understood and captured the idea in your comment. And yes I do agree. Anyone who has a long-lived, close friendship or romance with someone instinctively knows the little, out of left field fantastic moments that spontaneously defined that partnership, and the big ordinary events that

They'll collectively think they've made a huge mistake, @avclub-554c0a0cbf2801f5b0ae39d67b921606:disqus!

Anyone who is looking at Hannibal through a hyper-realism lens is probably not super appreciative of some of the influential material that Fuller says informed the approach and atmosphere, such as 'The Shining' and David Lynch. And I know those people well, and disagree with them thoroughly.

@avclub-eb058ced22520c3a8f4e4a6e2fb16403:disqus I have to agree with some others in this thread: the amount of time the photography focused on the snapshots of the many young innocent victims of the Shrike killer hammered home to me the depressing and frightening reality of many sweet lives snuffed out by depravity,

I think it really aids the audience's relationship with Bev that she is introduced in a way that makes her appear to view Will as a mere curiosity, an odd-boy story, and the first reaction as a viewer who cares about Will is defensiveness. I admit for me, her first appearance was a tad jarring. It makes the immediate

@avclub-b9fe31dea5e76193f5750c3bb3fc095d:disqus On a tangent, your use of the all-caps DOME! makes me wish they'd end each episode a la Lost, with a cut to black and 'DOME!' in big bold letters.

You imprisoned your girlfriend AND you left the tap water running?! What were you thinking son?

Yes but kill Junior, and you kill all the weekly Andy Samberg jokes as well. If we do that, the Joker wins.

Pssh, her name is clearly Forehead Girl. Honestly… ;)

@avclub-969d52a164f035b11df2601cd0ad25f5:disqus I recall him as Dorky Reluctant Science Guy, and I agree a similar presence on this show seems pretty necessary. Wasn't he all fixated on tides and Monsoon season? There needs to be the equivalent person to fret about Dome Weather and crop growing and all their issues.

Revolution's whiny teens gave me a headache that is curiously absent from Under the Dome, even despite Forehead Goth and Skater Moron.

GOB Bluth: Love each other!

@avclub-bfbdeb4ec976be7d7794265c34596fac:disqus Clearly that is a fallacy because this silly show is getting 10 million viewers consistently now, and most of those people are not complaining about the changes as vocally as the A.V. Clubbers are here. I must conclude that, as painful as it is for so many, the majority

@avclub-9e4775f046c2105d8e7d6655287a2f34:disqus @avclub-01045755fdc52f529cbce89e2fa692cb:disqus When I get a future system crash, I will now be tempted to think of MOAB as Mother of All Bluescreens.

The image of Dean Norris saying "hot diggity dome!" once a week would seriously improve this show for me. Tempted to email CBS on the matter.

For sure, and I'd be the last person to judge another's reaction to a show they had a much stronger personal relationship with so I probably should've just held off commenting altogether. I think part of it also was dude's account apparently was hacked for some portion of those comments, which I didn't find out until

Crap, found out again!!

Oh, I don't think it must by any means. I guess this throwaway comment came off less light than I intended it, I don't even care for the show at hand either way. I just thought Buzz seemed a little more rageful than warranted. I don't waste much hate energy at any mediocre TV show, but it's just one take on how to

2014 TV new sitcom: Meet the Skarsgårds!

@avclub-24a1cc2fa5dfbd9191056b5d1dc5ad34:disqus Sorry but this is entitled whining; if you're that desperate not to know anything, don't visit discussion sites like the A.V. Club until you've finished the story. It's that simple.