
@Chryso42:disqus Every time you direct your browser to an entertainment-based website, you are entering Spoiler Territory and your guard should always be up. This is just reality.

Eh, she was too skinny & bony for my taste. Not that this is untrue to how the Ygritte character would be, they're not exactly ordering take-out every night beyond the wall; but I couldn't really call that especially attractive.

Agreed, it seemed like the shallowest and superficial characterizations on the show to this point of what was more layered in the original story. Making more than cameo use of a fantastic Mance would've helped in this regard.

That was totally my reaction when it was announced as well, and it may have played a major role in why I fell in love with the show as deeply as I did. I've never been against 'remakes' 'reboots' or 'cover songs' and all their ilk per se but I'm endlessly annoyed by the stream of them in culture because 90% of them

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus It's a really surreal experience to constantly find myself that one person who thought that, since the first two-three episodes, Peggy Olson was clearly and obviously telegraphed as the true main character and her rise in control and power the main story. Draper is one

Game of Thrones has more in common with House of Cards or other political shows than Lord of the Rings, which is a (ham-fistedly executed) adventure story with Good Guys and Bad Guys.

It's not Stevie Speilberg's 'The Color Purple' but hey!

Even better! I doff my hat; and you win the complete set of collectable cookware!

I think you've nailed it again and again in various comments defending this season. Thank you for being such an ardent and articulate defender.

I'm gonna go with avalanche.

No one misses shit, it kinda smells bad.

Quite a peace treaty you accomplished there, good sir.

Tell us more about how and why this emotionally upsets you to the point of lashing out at the Internets…

I've yet to see that guy list a counter-example of a show he thinks is of high quality.

Someone needs a nap and a cookie?

Man, people really do not like poor Skyler. There are SO MANY characters on shows I would much rather not see than her, just don't understand the massive hate and/or apathy.

Having seen your response after commenting, I admit I totally understand where you're coming from. It's just so haunting and dreamlike, I can't get over that it is on network TV still…

Elle Driver??

…slow clap…

Game of Thrones also had an eye-patch guy; 2013 was just an eye-patchy year in TV.