
Liked for the Captain and Tennile reference.

Clearly not. Lost has slightly more engaging caricatures, and Henry Ian Cusik.

Only 86% really, so there's another nine percentage points for you.

This would be an interesting direction for them to go in. Nice observation there.

Because the name 'Under the Dome' is vaguely in the pop-culture consciousness and has cache, which equals viewers and money. The ratings for this very mediocre show are huge, and I think it's possibly due in part to the viewers remembering seeing the book all over Barnes and Noble and Amazon a few years back, even if

Yeah, I thought she should've put more effort into the scissors attack. Beatrix Kiddo she is not.

Pretty much what I was thinking. Thank you for articulating it better though.

There's a slow leak, just like in Junior's mind…

Didn't Julia have to leave her old job because she wrote fiction? Burn!

One step forward, two steps backwards.

Sure, sure, but I think there's still a healthy level of incredulity because it's not as if she's been practicing extensively/recently enough to turn into E.R. Superwoman as seamlessly as she does in the episode.

Yeah, they did reveal it, but it was after I posted this comment. That'll teach me to sound off too soon.

I'll bet you were at the bar in a Holiday Inn Express.

She was soaked and wearing all cotton, and while I doubt it was 30 degrees, I got the impression she had both fallen on her head (surprised she wasn't concussed as well) and stood in/got blasted by what would be rather cold water. Hypothermia hits really fast, and while yes I'll concede that a savvy person could've

Where's my Monster Shouter?

He gave Barbie a non-committal 'fuck you' look before he gave in and handed over the keys. But yeah, I'd still say you're right that he's the weakest link. The speech he gave at the hospital is at odds with Samberg's Chick in a Box.

You and Syfy need to get to work on this ASAP.

While we're all stating our various qualifications here on this article, it brings to my imagination a much more enjoyable show where the members of A.V. Club are all trapped together under a Dome. How long would we all survive?

This comment belongs about three weeks ago. King has already written a letter himself saying he sanctioned them basically doing a whole different story. I'm not saying it's a good story, or even a better one. But really, you're just getting around to mentioning all this? It seems rather clear that they only wanted to

The Reverend development is promising for sure, but one bullet from Big Jim could kill that storyline too, so I'm not getting my hopes up. More importantly, you're right that the life partner finally said the thing everyone should've said in the first flipping episode: "What if the Dome lasts forever?" Thankfully, we