
Burning Velveeta?

And with one visit to the one-stop info dump of the internet, you now know more medicine than the whole show of Under the Dome. They're gonna need you on that show, they are short several doctors remember?

All the "medicine" is in the running for worst put to video. It actually seems like the seizures were slightly better in the pilot, but that Norrie and Joe were only seizing half-heartedly tonight.

Yeah that was some real B-TV medical science on there; I just love how quickly that first hospital scene escalates in a handful of frantic lines of dialogue. As an EMT, I gave up a long time ago on television depicting medicine or emergencies in a realistic manner, but I will always appreciate a goofy manner.

Even when he creepy smiley-smiles after Linda and his dad compliment him? D'awww.

Our new half-a-cow ground chuck burger is like a bacon sharknado in your mouth!!

Well, the preview shows they're basically going to try to blow the Dome up next week, I suppose a Sharknado could be an inadvertent side effect of such military action. But yeah, basically C.

They also failed to realize she would've been most likely dead of hypothermia long before Big Jim found her in there. Just sayin'…

Funny what associations food can bring up.

I agree, this is a definite upturn for the show after last week. Even the teenage dialogue is much better this week. But I also think you're right, they need to move on from the Crisis of the Week formula.

Kinda falls under the same heading as her awesome parenting skills.

Like I interned in 'science.'

They are being a royal tease about what Julia found out at the cabin, making sure the text on the document was out of focus and all. But I must say, that and the creepy moment where the kid sits up during his seizure and shushes the camera have done something to invigorate interest in the story. Only took the last

At least they can't make this slingshot out of bacon.

Holy shit, the Reverend is playing with fire again! If at first you don't succeed…

I wish Bono was stuck under a dome he can't get out of.

Whole Foods meat department.

Sounds good. I will make an effort to follow you over there. Bad movies are something that should be shared.

Finally little brother asks about his sister, in the most casual, unconcerned way possible. And Samberg's answer is he "Saw her. Around." I know it's such a huge town and all, but it might be a better lie if it included details such as a location.

Almost as if you're stuck under a dome you cannot escape…