
It's like Doublemint Gum!

Beanie kid was essentially missing? (Eaten by The Dome offscreen?) YESSS!

I don't dispute that, which is one reason I was going to comment there; that and to laugh that you aren't the only one who called that annoying guy in Prometheus dime store Tom Hardy. Hillarious!

The CBS commercial promo in the background just informed me I "haven't seen anything yet!" Talk about truth in advertising. Still, it sounds as though that is going to change this week, so goodie!

I was wondering if you would show up to comment on that comparison.

Sexual Harassment Samberg isn't really evil, he's just misunderstood. Right?

That's what Roger Rabbit said!

Still waiting 20 minutes here on the West Coast, something I cannot believe we're doing. But the grade going up slightly gives me (perhaps unreasonable) hope for entertainment value.

Oh give me a Dome where the buffalo roam?

I believe the review most definitely did touch on the subtext of the film: "ham-fisted allegory" were his exact words. Whether you agree with that assessment is entirely up to you as the viewer. But it didn't do it for him.

@skoober:disqus No, just $80mil to get made. That's too much money for a fart joke movie.

This is the best actual soultion for a company with a spine that I've heard suggested.

This was the movie they've been trying to make for all these years. Persistence pays off.

Remember the days of Live and Let Live, and also ignore that which you dislike.


Better than than a Sharkintologist. Those weirdos think we have sharks living INSIDE us!

I appreciate the sentiment in all these true remarks, but it is really time for you guys to let go of Firefly. It's just not coming back.

Now there's a list?

I just have to ask: What critical analysis were you seeking in regards to Sharknado, or really any Asylum flick? This thing was only gonna produce one of two very polarized responses.

Their loss I guess. I enjoyed this more than many of the big 'films' that gave been on the screens in the last few months.