
Hey now, some of those softball gals can sling it faster and harder than many guy pitchers I've seen.

Yeah, agree with the voices pointing out that all scales of meritorious judgement are extremely relative. An A for Sharknado does not necessarily mean it was graded against anything other than that audience member's expectations and whether they were met or exceeded or not. Sopranos and Sharknados is like apples and

In that Great Screening Room In the Sky, Rog is giving you the thumbs up for this!

Syfy is offering a do-over next Thursday the 18th at 7 PM for those who feel that way. And yes, it actually is very worth it.

I always enjoyed it when they just schlockily dressed Jeff Tambor and Jessica Walter with retro looks for the 'flashbacks' to their past in those first three seasons, it was a great part of the joke. That said, I thought Wiig nailed Lucille pretty well; Seth Rogan looked half-asleep/was awful.

Sean will stop a sharknado in Zambia? Confused…


It's just whores and netflix…

There was juice?! Sounds like it was off…the…hook!

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus I liked them too, and I still think the intensity of the anger from those detractors who are gettin' your goat says far more about them than about the season 4 episodes. I don't particularly care for a number of seasons and/or shows, such as Star Trek Voyager, but I

Insecure in your intense opinion much?

Better not let @greystgirl:disqus find out about that.

Hey thanks for this! I had seen him on 'Downton' and one or two other minor places, but City of Vice and Ripper Street sound excellent. I will have to get on those post-haste.

Election Time! Cast your votes for whether this tumblr is a) meant to be taken literally, as a representation of a real person viewing out there and sharing their innate wisdom and observational wit, or b) we are being toyed with by a multi-cellular lifeform who is a GRRM fan. In all honesty, it really could fall

All of Westeros is a stage, and all the Boltons merely flayers?

Rory McCann has been a very special surprise for me.

Crouching Tiger style!

I'm not sure anyone who employs a draconian like Randyll Tarly as their right-hand fixer can be described so charitably as the Good guy fighting for the wrong side; but when you're standing next to Cersei Lannister…

Not as long as you're still having fun. There are many people who share your confusion as well but seem to be just fine:

I've always enjoyed the Queen of Thorns and lamented a bit that, due to the lack of Tyrell POVs, we don't really get that much of her. I am rather pleased that the show made much more frequent use of such a quality actress and such a charming performance. Sincerely hope this continues next season.