
Ron Perlman?

This show has sold me on so many actors, but Iain Glen is at the top of my list. I want to see him cast in so many things now!

Just going to show that 'being true to the story' can be taken literally or can be served more directly by holding the talent of the actors above the need to stick to every aspect of the description to a tee. Plus, to be successful show needs a mainstream audience to stick around so grumble grumble dumbed down etc.

People were screaming on the internetz about this for Lost for years too, how everyone was uber-dreamy. Potatos gonna potate, alligators gonna alligate.

Not to be contrary, she is quite prettyful, but I was a bit shocked at how…skinny and boney she was in that cave. Probably just me, but still…

@avclub-e7af19935015fb11dedb9fbb2955f880:disqus Enraged fanboys taking flight is an insanely great visual metaphor. I would like to see it as a Rembrandt-style oil on canvas.

I agree that it was a crime how little we saw of him last year, I believe it was two scenes. But that first one where Jon meets him at the wildling camp…he acted more with just his eyes than most tv show actors do in a year. It was worth it.

Oberyn will be this season's chief pleasure, but I am quite curious as well to see if this year we will see their take on the Crow's Eye. Is it too much to hope for Randyll Tarly since we know Mace is going to pop up?

In that case, Sandor's big mistake was not offering them a shrubbery.

George Michael Bluth knows where you can get one of those T-necklaces!

These kinds of goodwill gestures just lead to Freying tensions later down the road…

@avclub-58238e9ae2dd305d79c2ebc8c1883422:disqus Spring Break??

Agreed about Dondarrion, I would've enjoyed more time spent with him and the whole brotherhood in general. As one of my favorite story lines of the novels, I feel like this got glossed over the most quickly of anything.

I really must admit, I expected more of a whisper-esque quiet from your voice. But you started selling me by mid-season three.

Well @avclub-cd1db6bdaab0f94ac28022bf20b6d1a6:disqus disgusted isn't even quite strong enough of a word for my reaction at this point. I really appreciate all this new information I feel I should have known long ago. I really only own Chinatown, and that was a gift at that, but I'm not sure how I feel about it being

'What Remains of Lindsay Lohan' is, however, a great launching pad for a movie.

The Mysterious Powers of Trailers are vast and remarkable. As demonstrated by the many re-cut ones on youtube.

This sounds like some fighting game power-up: Double Cooze! All Right!!

Lindsay Lohan: Coozin' USA.

Aww, we don't hate youze.