
@ColdGottoBe:disqus Geez, you made me snort-laugh.

Is that like National Treasure II: Book of Secret Cooze?

Oh we've had like five of those in the last few years. And soon she'll be unleashed, er released from rehab and there will be another.

@avclub-f73c955e2c1f51451a682f5c1ce0e867:disqus A dream feverishly worth hoping for.

Artistic types such as them often do when they can't agree on the mutual direction of such fine performance art. Just like John and Paul…

@avclub-efe3192d78a1ce56ee8080149d5de969:disqus And you, sir, don't right too good.

No one gets to be Miss America forever…

You'll need someone for fart noises, I mean sound design.

@avclub-651468b37f95f5f421cccbf8fb7ee376:disqus I often liken the Internet to a viewmaster, but yours is better.

So what can we expect from his Cubist period?

Great! There you go again, blaming the kittens! Why not get creative here, murder a lizard or, say, and octopus?

Uh, you don't think Grown Ups 2 is directed squarely at a slightly different, but no less aptly named, kind of "adult-juvenile?"


This is yet another good point/plot hole.

Craigslist casual encounters?

What loving father doesn't want his son to drink his milk, and get the daily recommended dose of calcium? It does a body good.

Ah, but the palpable hate it inspires in all of us collectively is incredible, it might be enough energy to power the city of New York for a week…or the town of Chester's Mill for until this show is cancelled. ;)

Yeah, she acts a bit of a snob. The bigotry she faces is never cool, but she doesn't exactly ingratiate herself to either the community, or more importantly the audience.

Are you Stanley Spudowski?

About as awful as all that job security.