
As soon as this dome is gone, we'll put this whole insane incarceration episode behind us and get back to humping…

There is no Dietrich, there is no Riefenstahl, only Bridget Von Hammersmark!

Watching Arrested Development is like eating light and fluffy popcorn; it is much easier to do than you might think. Once you see the first two episodes, if you don't hate it, you will find it almost effortless to just keep going for long stretches.

The Real Merry Housewives of Windsor?

This is how Jon Spaihts has been diminished by the Hollywood machine for some time, and how his stuff was Lindelofized for the clunky, ham-fisted Prometheus.

@avclub-6dac3e26c4f8349dd4d90a2cbd1e7646:disqus The so-called 'alternate' version is the only version I acknowledge or watch. Your conclusions are both sad and true.

If it worked once…

Does Mads consider the Gozilla-esque destruction as rude? Or essential?

Beads? Beans?

As well it should.

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus, it is not lack of courage, it is merely a high degree of sense. You are not missing anything, you already know what is contained within.

Before there were internet trolls, there were dudes like this…

…and now you understand what Moby-Dick was trying to get at.

While that is true, Rex was doing this schtick when Rog was still alive and kickin' it.

In the company of the great Michael Bluth.

He probably only watched the first 20 minutes of all of those celebrated directors' movies as well. It's like comparing apples and tractor-trailers.

In The Name of The Fans: A Critic Siege Tale.

Legitimately curious if there was ever an instance of Roger Ebert taking this road. There were some soulless flicks he absolutely detested for their vacuousness and/or depravity, but iirc he always seems to have stuck it out through the full runtime. Not saying I'm 100% certain that is the morally superior approach at

Ass-ouroboros for expression of the year!

Your comment isn't exactly attention-holding either, except in its whininess.