
Your homework assignment: Watch all 13 episodes of Hannibal. Now.

Hear, hear!!

Oh Tom Cruise, you're correct but the same could be said of so many of your movies past the year we saw them as pre-teens.

Not to defend Polanski too much, but at least one can say he isn't taking the profits from his creative art and actively using it to fund political groups to systemically promote the awful things he has previously done. Card is taking that to a whole other level.

Pssh, so much for Jaime Lannister bringing humanization and tolerance to the masses.

It all depends on what else is out/opening that same week basically. Give the people who aren't fanboys a 'Fast'nFurious' type alternative that week, and it will tank.

@avclub-b9fe31dea5e76193f5750c3bb3fc095d:disqus I like the way you think!

See, this is the perfect example of why I cannot and will not see this film or look into any of this fool's writings. I don't care how many of you keep screaming at me to take it on it's own merits, or to realize that other talents were involved. Those are shallow reasons to support anything that stems primarily from

On CBS, I think we ALL are reading too much in…

Well, he was clearly Under The DOMA.

Eh, no dice. With all the faux-intimacy and standing closely proximate to each other over the last 24 hours, I think she still would've seen Barbie's hands and asked what had happened to them. Women frequently look at men's hands.

The Following got renewed along the same lines of reasoning that explain a new Resident Evil or Saw movie every few years.

Yeah, you read that correctly. It was a bit ham-fisted, but it was still clear cut like that.

I love all the people who have their laundry list of all the obviously bad points, only to finish up with something along the lines of, "I'll still stick with it for awhile, but…" This is exactly how network tv retains its inherent crappiness levels, because even astute viewers who can see all the badness full-on keep

Don't you see? Windows 8 sold so poorly that it was a massive embarrassment for Microsoft. That's what the Dome is for! They had to hide all those hundreds of thousands of unsold copies of the OS somewhere, and keep it from public knowledge. Like those ET Atari cartridges dumped in the desert, Windows 8 is dumped in

This is some intense angry, but I agree with you that Hannibal has spoiled me for what network tv should be. Everyone help save that show and NBC!

Eh, he really only did the pilot. He hasn't been involved as much as we've been led to believe. Very J.J. Abrams-like.

The Following is so god-awful it's fun to watch, and on that show at least (dumb) things happen. This show is so lacking momentum, and boring is a death-knell for network tv.

Perhaps Barbie?

If only Boss Cop had been Michelle Rodriguez. Then there would've been a real throwdown.