
@avclub-969d52a164f035b11df2601cd0ad25f5:disqus Thank you kindly. Though as Longfellow, I am a contemporary of Poe, and better be able to do a decent impression.

I find his early short stories the most pleasurable to re-read. And early Dark Tower books as well.

Oh god, that whole thing was painful to the max! Why to television problem children archetypes have to be stereotypically 'bad' yet still able to pull shit like the Sherman Antitrust Act out of their asses like they're also intelligent and informed? Ugh…

Yeah they've basically established her character this week as that pretty awful person, and yeah there seems to be a rather large plot hole as you notice that she appears with no acknowledgement about the prior seizure and how it should have consequences. And then lies to that dude and says she's here in town alone

Naw, the show opened with a teen party this week where she wandered in and basically weaseled her way into his horniness, er house.

"It's tots the Apocalypse brah, let's make totally ridiculous decisions and act like it's hip." If it talks like a red shirt…

Classic King.

I worry less about his acting skills and more about his judgement skills, signing up for such a two-dimensional part. But I agree he is making the most of it, somehow.

Someone needs to make this thing happen ASAP.

I was actually rooting for Junior to stare down his dad and knock back the milk like a shot, just like Richard Dreyfuss' answer to Robert Shaw crushing the beer can in Jaws.

You never know, Revolution was even worse than this and it got a renewal.

Maybe that commenter is as lacking in journalistic ethics as the reporter characters being criticized?

Under a grey, ragged sky lacking of lustre, I and mine companions sat rekindling meagre electrical charges to our small musical devices, though no tune however sweet could end the internal suffering that swept over my heart like a pall, due to this acursed dome. -E.A. Poe

He may be someone's villain, but he's sure as shit not MY villian. I even checked inventory, none of mine are missing.

Yes, he IS a giant, but Game of Thrones is over for the year and a dude's gotta find work…

Especially the part where they all charged their IPods.

I prefer them looking like half an avocado, but I'll take what I can get on this crappy show.

I prefer Big Rock Candy Mountain myself.

Honey Boo Boo would fit right in under the dome. I give it one last episode next week, then I'm out.

Anyone starting to think that 'Sharknado' might be time better spent than this show?