
Hopefully a not too distant future…

I agree totally, but it's just one of many examples where real people would've handled their situation more sensibly/subtly than they do on this show.

My name is Andy, and I like sandwiches.

I'm praying for the death of the main boy kid's dumb friend with the long hair and beanie. Candidate for the Darwin Awards?

What kills me is that Hannibal is turning out surprisingly great quality-wise for NBC, even though they're 9/10ths dead; meanwhile, CBS has yet another mediocre show here and their viewing numbers are through the roof. What unholy deal did the CBS network make to get America to love their crappy programming?

The bisected cow is still the series' highlight.

I found Angie's move incredibly stupid among other things; if Junior were to eat it down in said "dangerous tunnels," who else can possibly come rescue her before she starves? No one knows she's in that shed.

Is it too much to ask for teenage long-hair beanie kid to die soon? He is so painful in every aspect possible. Even more than Junior.

Uh, aliens. Self-evident.

I would rather see this movie done with Vincent Price and Barbara Steele than Tara Reid.

My impression is that a large amount of people just show up whenever they're free and want to see a movie, with no gameplan, and just buy tickets to 'whatever's showing now' based off that time. Those would not be people who spend much time on here though, methinks.

Michael Bay has been up his ass since long before Bruce Willis versus Space Rock, and that was at the end of the 90s.

That is an actual possibility, but the timing is unfortunate given the string of crappy and similar fare that has been bombarding people for some time now; their tolerance may be so low they don't look close as this one and just chuck it into the (Michael) Bay…

Deep under the surface of the earth, massive destruction waiting in the form of a Vampire Bataclysm! (That was my sales pitch SyFy!)

Is Billy Zane in this as well? I could see Dolph Lundgren…

Never promise crazy a sharknado…er, baby.

The American public was very clearly offered the voting choice in 2012 between the incumbent and a white shark, and they chose accordingly.

Thanks Obama!

I'm here from the future to direct you towards Sims' reviews of 'The Following.' Muahahaha!

I love the group outrage at the idea of 'inferior Tolkien works being used for commercial gain' but not so much at nine hour inferior, goofy, over the top Lord of the Rings action flicks making perhaps ten or twenty times more in commercial gain posthumously. I mean, priorities right? Though I have no real idea how