
I can, and I did! :)

You got it. It was call All Good Things.

I can't stick around for this as I have an event to host in 30 minutes.

What's weird is the gold flashbacks Meyer adds to the DVD/BR. Dumb decision.

I think "Faith of the Heart" is the Star Trek equivalent of "The Touch" by Stan Bush.

Kirk is not singularly defined by anything. I think in all those instances, only in Perfect Mate is he an aggressor, and even then he only fell to her seductions because she became his ultimate woman.  Vash had to practically rape him. In Tapestry it was what it was, but it wasn't passion. I don't really think Picard

It's like when Jay Sherman was tasked to write Ghost Chasers III.

I'd like a list, because other than Femke, Picard is never horny on TNG. Never. Even the relationship with Daren in Lessons was more maternal than sexual. I really don't think he was getting passed first base with her. Any other time he's actively avoiding women. Either way, he's a moderately passionless man.

We;ve had this talk before. Kirk was yelling at engineering. There was no answer. At that point it was his duty to go down there or send someone down there and he didn't. Spock had to man up. I think that's really sad on Kirk, but it's in line with him ceding his responsibility and balls to others for the first two

There are a couple of really agonizing things about this movie. The biggest, to me is Data meeting yet another kid and yet acting like he's never seen a kid before. It's so insanely insulting.

"Plus, the whole "they're fighting while the planet is blowing up" is just too ridiculous."

I still think Spock did what any first year cadet should have been ordered to do and everyone, including Kirk, was sitting around being needlessly stupid.

When were they more than Space Russians? Where? When they were creating a balance of power in Friday's Child and Private Little War, or when they were aggressively put into a cold war in Errand of Mercy and Trouble With Tribbles? They were always the Russian aggressor. TUC just smartly ended that thread as it was

I think a lot of II needed to be undone - mostly Kirk's kid which was a horrible idea just like it's always a horrible idea. But it does make it less it's own film, so you're right about that flaw.

Laugh, I love you Zack. In a very real, and legally binding way.

I'd say Inner Light and City are in exactly the same league as they're both overrated and deal with syrupy idealized extras (are we sure Edith Keeler isn't a transplanted Kataan?)

You can't really ruin Saavik. She wasn't that great to begin with. I don't see how Kirk was "pissant". Spock was on his was blinded by both the need to complete the most unbelievable peace process in the history of the galaxy and also pass his Star Fleet job on to the most up and coming Vulcan in the fleet. That can

My friend complains about this a lot and I agree. TNG's original premise was abandoned by the second episode. Remember in Encounter at Far Point Picard mentions that beyond Deneb lay "the vast unexplored mass of the galaxy". The whole reason why the ship was a cruise liner and there were families aboard is that these

I don't think III is really bad at all, actually. I don't know why people feel that way.

"They make what I find to be the cardinal rule of failed science fiction -
thinking up a BIG IDEA, then refusing to use it as anything but a