
She was raped to death by a giant, psychic space flounder.

Who killed Laura Palmer.

Can You message people on AV Club? I'm *redacted*.

I still haven't been approved. SO ALONE! SO ALONE!!!!

What was really thematic in TWOK? Most of the themes in it were made up for the movie, it's just so old we think they are universally Trek. TUC works better because it deals with the ramifications of a key idea in the series - fighting a cold war. Kirk and crew have to deal with their very real prejudices and how to

That's because the people with sense enough to complain stopped watching before they saw it happen.

Better than "You people are on some kind of… Star Trek™!"

@eponymous I don't think you need to have that kind of closure. I don't need to see the hero die to know he will eventually die one day.

I actually don't find #1 a problem. Assuming the Pastuer is firing the same beam the other ships would have, concocted by the same people, why wouldn't it be seen as coming from the same source by people who don't know the actual source? I give this hole a pass.

Then would it not be a test of whether humanity can fix the problems they create? If they not have the ability to destroy the universe should they not prove they have the ability to correct themselves before they do it?

Dude, the body's not even cold yet.

I cried at my wedding. I cried at the birth of my child. And I cried when Picard sat down at the poker table with the rest of the cast and finally realized that these people aren't just his coworkers, but his friends.

@twitter-16224955:disqus The only cast change in TNG was Gates, and she was sexually harassed off the show. There were no gimmick characters on TNG to boost ratings - like Worf or 7of9.

@avclub-383d3906a81567a4790639391dc4ecd7:disqus Oh, yeah, the old "TNG had no competition" line. Because no one can watch more than one science fiction show in a week. If you lose market share to other products it's usually because your product isn't very good.

@avclub-92a4841c9f86965effbc29fa6eae9f77:disqus That's simply not true. DS9 maybe was getting good ratings for a cable network like Sci-Fi, but it wasn't getting the 11 million viewers of TNG. It *topped off* at 3 million, and most of those were die hard trekkies unwilling to let go. It's really intellectual

You get a like just because I like you.

You're numbers on DS9 ratings are off by a factor of three at least. And we're talking about it's peak. Everything else you've said proves my point.

DS9 fans are typical of people who like something of not terribly great quality that almost no one has watched. They moan a lot when they feel slighted by the tiniest thing because they're insecure that the thing they like might not be all it's cracked up to be. Sure, Nemesis is one of the worst movies ever made, but

Actually, it's more of a reference to King Arthur. He impales his bastard son, Mordred on a lance and Mordred pulls himself up on it in order to land a final blow on Arthur.

So, just a stray observation: A Romulan based enemy with a bald head and leather fetish, at big, bad super ship with lots of spines, and a super weapon bound for Earth with a vendetta that doesn't make sense. Nemesis or Star Trek 2009? You make the call.