
As evidenced by her introduction - standing on a subway track.

Massive Rectum Anus

I'm probably not the first to say this, but why not Intergalactic?

It's not just 2 things. It's 2 things together!

No. That's the whole point.

You'd think driving would amend this comparison, but no luck.

I'd step into his propeller.

Guys, stop wasting your likes and shares so capriciously; there are starving children in Africa who still need them.

Not that I'm not enjoying it, but I get the feeling that that is his whole appeal…

Dude, I've already made up, like, six Indy movies in my head to be cynical about.

[rolls eyes so hard, face melts off]

bad date.

I disagree; I don't think it's immature, I think it's a natural convenience of fiction. Canon is a bullshit concept. The very bottom line is that none of this stuff really happened; you pretend it happened for enjoyment, and if there's a part you don't enjoy (that is not depended on by the parts you do enjoy in order

Funny enough, X-Men: DoFP, the movie about minorities, made no mention of it.

Fun Factory anyone?

I'm gonna submit Conker's Bad Fur Day.

I don't think you're wrong, per se, but maybe overlooking the tongue in cheek nature of their approach. They intersperse legitimate critique with overblown caricature of MBCD pedantry. There's a lot of really solid film making foundation in most of what they talk about, but that particular run on Watto's shop was a

Liked for MBCD. Unliked for Rush Limbaugh. Liked for specious. Unliked for failure to define specious.

I'm a fan of RLM, but I'm not really sure what the intent is here. It's a good demonstration of something that we all know, but it isn't particularly funny. Though I guess it doesn't have to be as long as the point gets made. But even with the point, what do we do with this infoBWWWAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMPPP [ears bleed to

I think any kind of joke that recurs, or gets parroted by fans, is called a meme now.