

I'm getting these Tatooined on my body.

Does this make him crazy?

…Love Sounds.

So will this be tubular, epic, or talk to the hand?

Just saw this last night. I've been busy so actually hadn't heard anything at all about the movie and went in blind (arf arf). I'm really fond of the Evil Dead remake and was pleasantly surprised to find out, already sat in theatre, that this was made by the same camp. I thought it was great and am really liking the


Liked for Propagandhi, the Tragically Hip of punk rock.

"It's a good life if you don't weaken. Well you know what? It's still pretty good if you do."


En francais.

Okay Computer

It's called a monomyth, not a womonomyth! >=(

I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

Right? And all these "female protagonists".

April Foo[beer-splosion]

Jack Nicholson.

The Exorcist is the ONLY movie that scares me, but I find that it scares different people for different reasons, and many not at all. I think it lends to its success that it works on many different levels as a horror movie. For me, it's scary for entirely visceral reasons, not conceptual. I couldn't really care less

The answer is right in front of us!!! Bros dig Shawshank to impress chicks and chicks dig Boondock to impress bros. It's a circle.

…all people on a bus are in transit.