
I think its bad rep basically comes from it being such an outlier for the series. On its own merits it's pretty good, but so much more difficult and abstruse than standard Zelda fare, so it doesn't really hold the same appeal.

I beat it and I brag! I brag about beating it!

In The Hobbit IV: The Journey In Between, Legolas will literally jump a shark. Six, actually. While spinning and knitting.

MegaMan X is also a winner. I actually burned an album of the whole thing using metal covers from youtube.

Air Man.
Wood Man.
Quick Man.

Of course MegaMan 2 gets some love, but we'd be remiss not to reflexively blurt "Dr. Wily's Stage or gtfo".

And I learned that you don't actually put your penis in a clitoris!

Message from the future: It's actually quite frustrating. I have to make up the comments in my head and it requires me to become the thing I hate. I hate doing that!

I've been known to be heard signing "I got my cat pregnant" to the tune of U Can't Touch This.

I lost it at "ehmneymnatmoviedatabase!!!"

No, but I saw another commenter call it that and thought it was cute. Popcorn will be thrown if really turns out to be that or something like it.

Was there a minimum limit? I was hoping to see El Rey, the lawless cannibal criminal stronghold from Jim Thompson's The Getaway (though it technically only appears in the book, Rodriguez and Tarantino gave From Dusk Till Dawn a cool subtext by having it be Clooney's final destination).

Fine, maybe he shan't.

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from a whale's vagina
To the last syllable of how-now-brown-cow,

Cornhole-anus! …Ferrell.

But maybe you shall.

lol - the Jar Jar of Star Wars.

That may result in some hurt Fili-ings. I'll maintain an emotional Bofur zone.

You could squeeze a few good films out of it though.

out of your nose?