Trick question! Sega Genesis HAD dinosaurs.
Trick question! Sega Genesis HAD dinosaurs.
It was in Pratt's contract.
Solo vest, motorcycle, raptor gang.
He's come such a long way.
The AV Club
I don't know about famously difficult, but famously less accessible - I've heard a lot of people say they've quit because they couldn't get past the beginning. You've got a time limit (with death as a result) to figure a bunch of shit out before you can get into the actual game. You're fine once you get past that. The…
They're gonna be great.
Only because Abed called it before it fell to Jeff by default.
Hey, how could you resist when dirty deeds are don/[trips over phone cord, smashes head on corner of table, scares tiny dog, spits out teeth, cries and shits self]
My girlfriend and I had to pause because we were laughing so hard.
You make it sound so Miserable.
Super cut, internet!
Therein lies the problem. It's so unremarkable yet so remarked. That annoys some.
Second rule: do not use names of any main characters, especially if it's the case with the fairy tale we're basing the movie on.
It should have ended with Anna discovering she has heat or summer-themed powers to melt all of the ice with.
Boring past tense adjectives for movie titles is the secret.
Sub the ice for menstrual blood and it's basically literal.
I was already aware of every singles one of these…
[sigh] at least the muppet's hair was funny.
Static-X was fun. RIP, Wayne.
How is this not just Garfield?