…and everything else in Mordor. Basically, what gets forgotten is that subterfuge was the goal.
…and everything else in Mordor. Basically, what gets forgotten is that subterfuge was the goal.
on a scale of U to 2? pretty lame.
The tried and true business model just isn't working anymore. Maybe they should…
I thought the abortion parable was obvious, but I gave the show more credit than being blatantly pro-life. I don't think there's any use in debating whether the monster was more baby or fetus, because that's beside the point.
'the' - 213
Everything is awessoooome!
We're living our dream.
Everything is awessoooome!
Everything is cool when you're part of a team!
Best choice for the ending.
Fucking Fi. Amen.
*linkin pork
It's strange; I'm aware of and agree with a lot of the negatives towards TP, but still count it among my favorites.
Your opinions are objectively correct!
*dork link
To condense what you said into metaphor, I've always asserted that the differing color schemes of Oot and MM are pretty indicative of the tonal shift between games and the tastes of those who prefer each. OoT is the primary colors of LoZ: Hyrule, Ganon, the Triforce, Zelda, etc… while MM is secondary colors: strange…
See, GentleGiant, this guy's using his
That's boring!!! …therefore most likely correct. Not really the point though; I was making loose and humored suppositions so I'm not sure why you've gotten defensive about fictitious fictional happenings that never happened…. but whatever, it's all bullshit in the end anyway.
I kinda furrowed my attack brows when the old music played. I thought that was Smith's theme and hoped they'd be ditching it to give Capaldi his own. I haven't been paying much attention though; does he even have his own yet?
1) Did anybody else get the impression that maybe Madam Karabraxos "regret" is still steeped in greed, and her intent in saving the species from extinction is to exploit them further once they've procreated? Could be one of those "The Doctor's good intentions come back to bite him in the ass" things. Just one possible…