The AV Club
The AV Club
Equal accolades to its pornographic counterpart, Edward Penis-hands!
Brad Pitt eating in every scene.
I hear that fairly often. I think we can drop our defenses now and just accept that it's an alright song. Sometimes, the vapid, corporate, art-by-committee, pop machine flukes and gets it right. Like Backstreet Boys' "Everybody".
Upvoted for upvoting for upvoting "rulez".
You're forgetting Planet Of The Apes.
I got a night feed with a group of dudes hanging out around the road, their intentions unclear. After reading "the action slows down at night", I was about to click away, disappointed. Then they moved into formation… YUSSS!!!
My aunt wanted to take me to see The Parent Trap, but I thought it looked terrible so I whined until we went and saw The Avengers instead… the one with naked Ralph Fiennes and Sean Connery in a bear suit.
Did the photoshoppers do that to Cameron's mouth? … he looks like a goomba from Super Mario Bros… the movie!
[edit] simpsons reference already made further down. expunged.
Wot? English, goddamit!!!
No need to be shity about it.
So does that put Felix's wife in the vegetable crisper?
He almost accomplishes something by sending out that letter (while kidnapped, possibly for the second time)… but then it ends up in the car compactor.
Austin Powers as well.
I spent a significant chunk of my life not even knowing that was a reference.
Yeah, Buck puts her in her own fridge… but she one-inch punched her way out, right?
Both are true. Revenge is such a common motivation for protagonists because it's easy to make emotional sense for them to then do wild, illogical, and entertaining things, but it's then rendered sexist because so many protagonists are male - which is the main problem. I hate when the refrigerator thing gets turned…
Watch Goldfinger again… yeesh.
After making out with woman #1, he uses her as a human shield, then the next dies just for banging him, then he gets another killed just being an incompetant ass - which, if you watch closely, is all he does in that film.
They tried a "woman avenges murdered husband" plotline once, but couldn't figure out how to logically do it without the protagonist buying new shoes and finding a new man instead.