I wonder why commenters can't stop coming up with people this average face resembles…
I wonder why commenters can't stop coming up with people this average face resembles…
Which is silly. It reeks of "we fear change for no reason".
…and I mean that both ways, agreeing with Cappadocius that the change happened for no reason, but also that it's fiction and not understanding that that means it's putty is a needless level of nerdy.
I mean come on; "war" is not a number and this video…
I watched this when it had first started, but lost touch after awhile (with much of the internet). I'm happy to hear it found success and will promptly catch up. Good for Anfanger.
"Cuz I have a lot of things, Hannah. No I don't. I have ginger ale.
This sucks. Put it back.
He'll be the first person ever at memorial service to say "orgasm".
so… a Tool video?
But now there's a wisecrackin' girl Boba Fett!!! … in pink!!!
My gf got Adam Baldwin's autograph at a con last year. She asked him to write something sexy… anyone wanna guess what he wrote?
long-dong suk
Monopoly sucks. Harry Potter… I've never seen… but it probly sucks, right?
Upon watching it: eh, not bad. He raises some good points, and I definitely agree with the series losing it's priorities with increasing linearity. But mainly, I'm just glad to see him using his talents instead of just let's-playing.
hoyl fcuk!!1!
Okami shamelessly ripped off Zelda. But did you notice how much Twilight Princess shamelessly ripped off Okami? Beyond just playing as a wolf, there's that whole restoring life to the world thing, those shiny glowy animal deities who live at the fairy springs, and those enemies who trap you in a circle…
I know I know,…
Not entirely a coincidence, the Pan thing. I believe Miyamoto has said as much as Link's look being heavily influenced by Peter Pan, as the gameplay was inspired by his childhood fancies of exploring the woods near his house. So Link, looking like Pan, would signal that spirit of staying in or returning to childhood.…
I tried in 2009. Made it through 10 of them, then bought and started Spirit Tracks but didn't finish it by New Years. :(
I like that it stands in as kind of a meta-commentary on the the fanbase and their reaction to WW's bold new look. The whole game is about letting go of that Hyrule we fell in love with in OoT.
There's 3 major issues I've singled out as cause for it being my least favorite Zelda game, all of which you've probably heard before:
May or may not be relevant. Have you ever watched Groundhog Day and thought "I'd like to play that"?
I think people are turned off of TP by it being the Zelda that tries too hard to be cool, which it is, but if you can get past that it's very solid.
I like how she occasionally moans for no reason… maybe riding Wolf-Link all day is causing a rubbing sensa…. nvm.