Notorious B.I.G. …though admittedly, he was more notorious than famous.
Notorious B.I.G. …though admittedly, he was more notorious than famous.
Your penchant for the literal is paralyzing.
Word has it Zelda Wii-U will also be non-linear.
I'll see your "partially" and raise you an "exactly". Basically Scarlett O'hara. I think. I haven't seen Gone with the Wind and just assume it's an unironic quote.
To an extent. I've always considered the things they show over the credits to be just a "look at all the things you've accomplished" reward to the player, but doesn't make much sense when the time travel is taken into consideration (unless you made the effort to run around and complete every sidequest in one cycle…
Yeah. That permeates everything you do, since every time you reverse time your good deeds are undone. You spend the majority of the game helping people get things they want, then take it all back to make sure they can get what they need (to not be flattened by a giant scary moon). That's why Link doesn't hang around…
Majora's Mask!
Favorite game of all time. Play it every year or two.
I realize this thread is from before it aired, and as a result nobody will ever see this, but I had to come back to mention:
I think you can do TMNT dark, as the comics have done in a few different ways.
Come at me, brah. [snaps fingers at laptop, alone in apartment]
DNAwhatever is ignorable, but you sound serious and must be stopped!
Yeah, I'm digging the segment where the queens are working on their costumes, and Ru makes the rounds pretending to be supportive, but is actually just psychologically torturing them. Chick/dude's hilarious.
That's why "Memories of Boom Boom Mountain" remains a favorite of mine. It drags that theme right out front, makes fun of its own ridiculousness, then sticks to it.
Gandalf is basically as buff as a bodybuilder underneath his robe.
The sword's name is Glamdring the Foe Hammer!
Yeah, the first time through can be rage-quit at times, but I thought it was worth it in the end. It's become one of those games I come back to every couple of years. Having played so many times now, I don't have that problem much anymore.
I've also heard promising things about Zelda U. Mainly, and in complete contrast to Skyward Sword, they say they'll be attempting an open world, non-linear Hyrule - which is the format they should have been using all along, considering it was what drew players to the original. Sure, most of the later games have had…
I'm not normally one to get all sycophantic and just post links to shit I like, but here's an excellent video related to the topic, which you might enjoy if you can relate to this article, which I can.