
Oh Forney is just awful.

PUAs today fall into a few camps. The ones who have read Mark Manson's "Models" are generally okay. Although Manson himself doesn't really identify as a PUA anymore, he's a more general life-advice blogger for both men and women now, and from what I've read, a pretty good one.

This was my go to:

That was such an odd reference. Does that even qualify as a cop movie?

Yeah, the only surprises were the Gretchen and Elliot scene.

If that's what Kimmel was mocking maybe I would agree, but he was really just trying to portray Kanye as someone who's ego has him out of touch with reality.

Leather jogging pants are a real thing:

I don't think there was anything that crazy in that interview, at least nothing that Kimmel quoted. Kanye is basically equivalent to a rockstar and leather jogging pants are a real thing, so what's the joke?

Except that the combativeness came after the crappy, bigoted skit.

Oh dear God an actual Objectivist works for a major publication? I thought they didn't exist outside of an-cap forums?

I vaguely remember that Bill O'Reilly did do that once, but I'm not sure what to google to confirm that memory.

@avclub-0a7d7a81e8e3a20e4c34748e98ef45f6:disqus Yes, I agree with that. I think I may have misread some of your comments previously and assumed that you were arguing that Islamic countries are not as oppressive as they are made out to be, because that's an argument that I have come across before.

@avclub-0a7d7a81e8e3a20e4c34748e98ef45f6:disqus You're right that Muslims represent a relatively tiny threat to Western countries, but it's not accurate to say that Muslim countries are the same level of oppressive as their Christian or Jewish counterparts. They are, generally speaking, much more restrictive, and

How had I never seen that blog before?

Leaving Las Vegas!

From what we see of Millie's parents, they almost certainly wouldn't be as (relatvely) forgiving or as easygoing as Lindsay's are, which would have bred huge amounts of conflict for her. Also, Millie just doesn't strike me as someone who has the inherent toughness of Lindsay or Kim. I don't know if it's just the way

I'm way late here and probably no one is going to read this comment, but I think that anyone reading this thread would do well to read (or watch, though that would be an inferior experience) Never Let Me Go. It's an excellent novel that explores the ways in which society as a whole could potentially, given the right

Actually, I'd love to see this format used for a Primer-esque miniseries on Netflix. I think that could be great.

@avclub-84ca205fe6bc691c41c3bfe5a2820a15:disqus I don't think getting baptized would have been the end of it for Piper though. I think Pennsatucky would have gone as far as expecting Piper to become one of her followers or at the very least expect her to practice the faith within the prison. I doubt that Piper would

Hugging among guys was never very common among anyone I knew. It happened, but it was usually done with an oddly over-compensatory gusto.