
@avclub-85bd06050f1868adf468605465df26f8:disqus I suppose it's certainly better than one of Friedberg and Seltzer's abortions but that's not saying much.

It was pretty awesome of her friend too. Well, she was a good friend of mine as well, so I know that was just sort of her way. Tact and subtlety weren't really her strong suit.

I wish I could forget Not Another Teen Movie.

Mine is pretty bad, though it ends well. I had been dating someone for about a month, and we had become really close but I had refused to try to kiss her, partly because I was shy and awkward, but mostly because I had a massive sore on my lower lip due to the fact that one of my lower teeth was crooked and rubbing

@avclub-ffc65e983f9490e53bd8419504a79cf8:disqus I think you missed this one:

@avclub-adb4c903674d579c1a43dbf3ae93f077:disqus just hit the nail on the head. But I do want to add that by far the worst offender in that regard is not Gervais, Dawkins, or Hitchens, it's Sam Harris. The fuckhead who has tried to make the claim that (paraphrasing) "We are not at war with Islamic extremists, we are at

It was played a bit broadly and mostly for comedic effect, but I think it was mostly that Daya payed attention to him as a person. She didn't go to him for drugs or to smuggle anything in, she just talked to him. From his perspective, she seemed to be displaying genuine interest. I suppose it makes some sense if you

Yeah my middle school went to "Standard Mode of Dress" in the eighth grade, and as someone who was always utterly clueless about how to dress well, I was secretly very happy, though I moaned about it like everyone else.

Reddit is what you make of it. The default subreddits however, are godawful. And much of the toxicity of the defaults often leaks into even the smallest communities. Still, where else am I going to find an exmuslim forum? Also, /r/thebluepill is one the flat out funniest places on the internet (because it's satirizing

Alan and Lindsay cracking up are two of my favorite moments in this show.

I think it's probably the latter. I've never gotten the impression from Piper that she isn't personable, or that she has difficulty socializing. I think she's just used to having people listen to her when she talks.

I want him to kill Walt Jr. in freak accident and then turn the gun on himself.

I think that one of the inmates remarks that she was was put in for "slave trade shit" or something along those lines. Which still seems a bit excessive for a minimum security prison. 

Actually I think you're right now that I think about it. I don't think she even has a scene with Daya after they come into the prison together. Although I think that I would add Mrs. Claudette to the list of characters defined primarily in relationship to Piper.

No, their plan was to get everyone else to think that Pornstache was the father to get the heat off Bennet so Caputo finding them was intentional. It was supposed to be rape to get Pornstache fired but Figueora refused to call it a rape to avoid a scandal, partly because Larry's story about Piper already had so much

I agree with Todd's grade, the latter half of the season really improves on and elevates the first.

I'm not sure that I agree with the notion that this show ever stops being primarily about Piper. She's given the most screentime throughout and the character's are often fleshed out in such a way that they undermine Piper's privileged outlook rather than being viewed as people in their own right. Suzanne is the best

As an aside, I'm interested in whether or not Fuller plans to keep the surrealism conceit going through the next season considering that Will's encephalitis has been effectively cured (or at least mitigated). It feels like such an integral aspect of the show's style that I doubt he would discard it, but I'm not sure

Tara Reid isn't a bad actress, she's just a very limited one. Her look and her husky voice just really lend themselves to the "party girl" stereotype that she ends up playing later, and she plays that role really well in my opinion. But yeah, I agree, when she tries to do anything else she tends to come off as very

Walter's manipulation of Jesse is percieved as so much worse because we have watched Walter go from a harmless high school chemistry teacher to a murderous sociopath over the course of 5 seasons. We know that Walter is capable of being a better human being than he is.