
I had a really close friend in the fifth grade. He had a major crush on a girl, and on the last day of school he confessed his feelings for her. Her reaction was to pat him on the head and say "we should just be friends". He shrugged it off, and it wasn't a very big deal at all. But when he told me, I made fun of him

@Scrawler2:disqus I'm interested in what you think would be exactly right for a character like Kim. I find it very hard to imagine how Kim as a character would have turned out, if not exactly how her mother did. Perhaps I'm optimistic in thinking that she would have been able to overcome that prospect with Lindsay's

Plus it was written in lipstick (right?)

And Rodriguez's reaction once Turk realized where his speech was from was just gold.

I wish we had had more episodes with Freddy Rodriguez. He was one of my favorite guest stars.

"Do you feel confident about this Ted?"

I got ya

Between various local channels and Comedy Central I probably watched about 6 episodes of Scrubs a day for about a year (give or take). It was a formative show for me, because it probably the first time that I fell in love with any TV show (though my affection has waned since then) and a lot of that probably had to do

Nah, if you didn't like it at all the first time around, I doubt you'll like it any better on rewatch. Rewatches aren't supposed to completely change your opinion of a TV show, just deepen your appreciation for it.

@avclub-8585e3ef66f8d1bc4b1856e529ecdd2c:disqus I grew up in a town with a fairly large Muslim community, but it's very homogeneous. Well, not racially. There are people from Sudan, Egypt, Lebanon, Malaysia, Pakistan, India and etc, but I'm Pakistani, and the Pakistani community here is very homogeneous. Almost all of

I feel as though a lot of that awkwardness starts to phase out in a really organic way as the series progresses and the characters start to get more comfortable with each other; particularly in regards to the way that Sam and Cindy interact with each other.

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus Yeah, it's interesting how having to repress an aspect of yourself often results in intensifying it. I went through an embarrassing anti-theist phase when I was younger since the only place I could ever express my beliefs was on the internet, specifically, the Religion &

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus Well I lost my faith in Islam when I was 10 years old and didn't vocalize it to anyone until four years later (and that was to a few close friends in school) for fear that they would find out. Going out was something that I just never did. The vast majority of the

I loved Debrie for the most part, but the way that her arc ended was just awful. It felt really callous in the way that it was just glossed over, and it almost felt as though it was supposed to be funny, but just wasn't.

Was that supposed to be a dig at Letterman?


I was going to try to restrain myself to one episode per week, but it turns out self-restraint is not my strong suit. I'm a little over half-way through the series now and I absolutely love it. The first time I tried watching it was about five years ago, the summer before I started high school. I liked it quite a bit

I didn't start watching live until Season 7. God that was disappointing.

@avclub-323ca7b091beb1b26cc7a2612f1475d5:disqus I think that was a result of the writers deciding that they had miscast her, and that she would just be better off playing the role she usually does, because she's good at it. I don't begrudge them that because I definitely preferred her on reappearance.

I can sort of see that, but honestly his douchiness paled in comparison to JD in later seasons, and I think that side of him first started to show during this season, which is why I like Sean as much as I do (on rewatch). I can't not root for him next to JD considering what the writers did to him later on.