
She was initially set up to be a very capable lawyer, but she only had one line during the trial. That line was true to the "killer instinct" that she described herself as having, but like I said, I didn't really buy that that one thing would invalidate the witnesses testimony.

I liked this episode but the narrative seams were a little too easy to spot. I don't expect it to ever be a realistic legal drama, but the trial felt very contrived. While the witness's mental illness probably would call his testimony into question in real life, I hardly think it would be enough to outright dismiss it

Briefly yes.

I'm not sure how true it is that immigrant stories are cliches for film and TV audiences. Jane the Virgin is trying to tackle depicting an undocumented Hispanic immigrant trying to get a green card and I can't remember ever seeing something like that on television before, certainly not on network television.

Certainly it depicted experiences that I'm sure immigrants have had, but they weren't experiences particular to being an immigrant. The India scenes in particular were just cliches, and they didn't have enough time devoted to them to develop into anything more than that.

I don't know if I really agree with the Kayla's characterization of this show as being "brutally honest," the closest it got to that was the chicken scene but the rest of the flashbacks just felt too…broad? Dev's father's story wasn't really specific at all, it was fairly rote. He had troubles with a schoolyard bully

Wasn't the butter commercials line from Jane The Virgin? I might be totally wrong on that but I remember thinking that might have been a weirdly specific reference to this episode from the Jane writers.

Rogelio wasn't born into wealth, he spent most of his life struggling to make it as an actor and only recently became rich, and I think his arrogance and opulence is way of overcompensating for that. Rafael was raised wealthy, and it's not unreasonable for Xo to think that might skew his perspective a bit.

Considering how suddenly she disappeared, I'm not sure that that wasn't just a collective hallucination.

"I've really gotten into feet recently"

I think that Cece actually said that she would call him later or something (although I'm not sure why she would be saying that). I'm not sure though, because she was speaking very fast and my Hindi is not so great. I'll need to see that scene again.

Not even Sonia's piece with Ricky and Jessica?

Really? You can complain about the word cisgender when you start complaining about the term heterosexual.

I remember those books being quite risque for 10-12 year old me who picked them up after loving Animorphs.

That's fair, although in this episode he was trying at his job in order to distract himself rather than because he actually needed to do so.

I see a lot similarity in the dynamics between Holt/Peralta/Santiago and Cox/JD/Elliot in the way that Amy and Elliot are both desperate to please a stoic and closed off superior who seems more attentive towards the talented but immature goofball.

Shit I think you might be right. Looked it up and he's actually half-Palestinian half-Polish.

Pakistan is a Desi country not an Arab country.

Did I say that drunk sex automatically equals rape?

Yeah, hate-reading RoK is admittedly, something I do pretty often, so I'm aware. And um, sarcastically listing every complaint that can be lodged against you doesn't absolve you of those complaints, especially when they're pretty accurate..