
She tried to kill me with a forklift.


I love Dourif and don't disagree generally with him on Lynch. But I can name two things about Blue Velvet that Lynch improvised. He added the chicken walk thingy after seeing Mclachan do it. And Hopper had to educate him on how drugs work. I'm a bit unclear where I remember this from but it is likely the book Lynch on


Except Nimoy would have to step in and finish the job.

It took a lot of scrolling to find this inevitable and appropriate answer.

From the end of the original article "The edited images shown above are a parody." Wait, what?

He also hates the guitar player on Bowie's China Girl, that hack who replaced Pete Best, and the guy who voiced the Garfield movie.

I love this album to pieces. Thanks for the broad overview, including many an item I've wondered about. Check out, btw, the live Sole Inhabitant for some pretty nifty live versions. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

My emotions! My emotions #threeseasonsandwhateverwecanget

The Perfect Carlos Sultana

Sounds like elements of a Coen brothers movie.

Scrolls down, scanning for U Talkin' U2 posts. Sense of world confirmed. Nods

I saw Thicke of the Night. Does that count?

Morrison usually makes sense. But many audiences can't parse weird from nonsense. The Brotherhood of Dada, for example, is weirder, in comic book terms, than, say, the Brotherhood of Evil. But there's an intrinsic logic to them, as both characters and plot devices.

They buried the lead. There will be a fifth season of Sherlock!

I'm pretty sure that's Henry Blake.

I dragged a friend to see Devo opening for Arcade Fire. He had no interest in Arcade Fire. Devo was a no show. To my friend's credit, he seemed to enjoy AF, despite knowing absolutely nothing about them. And I really dug Dan Deacon, that night's other opening act.

100M was the budget for not one but two seasons of the unusually expensive HoC. At a cost of 2-2.5M an episode, you could buy at least three seasons of Mad Men. (Thanks Wikipedia!) I'd ask Kimmy Schmidt how many seasons you could get of her show but Kimmy is bad at math.

$500,000 x 180 Seinfeld episodes = $90,000,000.
90,000,000 = several new seasons of original programming.
Good choice, Netflix!