
There's not a giant sunglasses case big enough. Dif tor heh smusma.

This is all an elaborate intervention. But for who?

U2's Staring at the Sun/Gorillaz's Feel Good Inc.

I hear all the rebooted NBC shows are going to team up to beat the crap out of Netflix's The Defenders. However, they'll only end up waiting offstage CBS's The Defenders, plotting to kill E.G. Marshall and Robert Reed. This will place them in the most obscure corner of the NBC/Marvel/CBS/Stoppard/Tommy Westphall

"It was fun seeing William H. Macy is a small supporting."

Lego Logopolis?

Potential big budget flop? Must be February.

If Pluto isn't a planet, can we then agree that Pluto Nash isn't a movie?

To be fair, pretty much everyone suffers on Hannibal.

Everybody wants a rock to wind a piece of string around.

It's a criminal oversight.


I love the Flaming Lips. But two Lips songs and no "Thank God I'm a Country Boy?"